Straight simple root canals are rare in the human dentition; the majority present with complexities and curvatures in different planes, making the endodontic treatment a complex task that requires adaptation […]
Straight simple root canals are rare in the human dentition; the majority present with complexities and curvatures in different planes, making the endodontic treatment a complex task that requires adaptation […]
Apical periodontitis serves an essential protective function aimed at confining bacteria discharged from the root canal space and preventing them from spreading into adjacent bone marrow spaces and other remote […]
Endodontic management of a tooth is an interesting and challenging procedure that is partly blinded, and its success depends on individual clinical expertise and skill, as well as the procedural […]
The curved and dilacerated roots in the posterior teeth often present the major challenge to the clinicians during the endodontic treatments. Failure to secure a safe glide path in order […]
Endodontic treatment entails thorough chemo-mechanical debridement and disinfection of the pulp spaces, followed by placement of an inert biocompatible material to allow hermetic sealing of the root canal system. Inability […]
Understanding the anatomical variations of the root canal system is a must to achieve the main goals of our treatment. The radix entomolaris is the most common variation in mandibular […]
Failure to locate and disinfect all the root canals may be a major reason for endodontic failure. The first Step to reach the success of root canal therapy is to have […]
Pulp stones are defined as foci of calcifications that form within the pulp chamber, more frequently in the coronal pulp cavity and sometimes in radicular pulp space. In the year […]
This article clarifies how to deal with extra root canal system anatomy of premolars clinically and how you can manage and shape the buccal tinny and curved canals of molarized […]
The danger zone is an area of the root canal where the primary thickness of dentin before preparation is under 1 mm. In general, the danger zone is located 4 […]
Understanding of the root canal anatomy is crucial prerequisite for predictable successful long-term results. (1-5) Although basic applications of root canal therapy through biomechanical preparation of the entire root canal […]
The first step to reach the success of root canal therapy is o have a good knowledge of the root and root canal morphology. This helps us to locate all […]