Apical microsurgery is a powerful tool that can help when good ortograde endodontics fails.
Apical microsurgery is a powerful tool that can help when good ortograde endodontics fails.
The role of endodontics is to save as many teeth as possibile. Today thanks to technology (Microscope, CBCT, New instruments) we are able to manage very difficult cases. It’s very important manage different situation because sometimes first endodontics treatments and also retreatments fails. Today thanks micro-endodontic surgery we are able to give a “new life”to […]
When the endodontic lesion involves the apex of an implant in addition to the one of the tooth, a retrograde peri-impantitis can be established. Retrograde peri-implantitis (RPI) is a primary microbial inflammatory condition that affects only the apical portion of an osseointegrated implant, which retains normal bone-to-implant contact in its coronal portion. Currently, no uniformly […]
One of the most important factors that creates a good clinician is for sure the clinical SKILL , KNOWLEDGE and also THE DECISION Making to Decide the most conservative & cost effective treatment for the Patient. In this case we will go through a treatment through a surgical way.
What if retreatment is not enough? Retreatment is one of the biggest challenges for the clinician due to the unexpected surprises, prognosis & diagnosis which may be tricky in many situations. But some times the rationale of treatment may be different in which the Retreatment may not be enough so we may need further intervention.
The most common reason for fracture of rotary NiTi files are flexural and/or torsional fatigue. Even single use of instrument, can reduce the fracture incidence by only 0.9%. Unfortunately, even with advancements in metallurgy, file breakage could not be entirely overcomed due to the fact that the more the flexible the instruments, the more they […]
Apical surgery is an option for the management of endodontically-treated tooth with persistent periapical lesions or symptom/sign. Several epidemiological studies have suggested that 33–60% of endodontically-treated teeth still presented the pictures of apical periodontitis. The possible causes may be persistent primary infection, secondary infection after endodontic therapy, vertical root fracture or cemental tears. The success […]
Invasive cervical resorption is characterized circumferential spread with/without coronal-apical spread in dentin where the involvement of the pulp may be delayed being present in advanced cases due to the presence of peri-canal resorption resistant sheet (PRRS) composed primarily of pre-dentin and odontoblasts Invasive Cervical Resorptive lesions have different radiographic presentations, ranging from a small radiolucency […]
Vertical fractures can occur and their diagnosis is not always predictable. Will be presented here the treatment of a 2.6 with a vertical apical fracture in the mesial root. Vertical root fractures have been described as longitudinally oriented fractures of the root, extending from the canal to the periodontium. It usually happens in endodontically […]
The selection of an appropriate flap design could determine the success of an endodontic surgery; therefore it's not possible to use a single flap design for different clinical situations and every flap has advantages and disadvantages: for this reason the pre-surgical planning is one of the most important phase of the treatment. The design of […]