A pre-eruptive intra-coronal resorption (PIER) is a defect located in the dentin of an unerupted tooth, just beneath the dentin-enamel junction. The depth of the lesion is variable and may […]
A pre-eruptive intra-coronal resorption (PIER) is a defect located in the dentin of an unerupted tooth, just beneath the dentin-enamel junction. The depth of the lesion is variable and may […]
Every patient wants a functional, healthy, and esthetically appealing smile.
This article describes a patient with discolored and fractured composite resin restorations with improper endodontic treatment on the anterior teeth in whom substitution was indicated.
This treatment improves the endodontic and restorative aspects.
Among all the difficulties we encounter during the reconstruction of an incongruous root canal therapy, a very difficult challenge is always represented by overcoming false paths and ledges mistakenly created […]
Adhesive procedures have changed the way of restoring endodontically treated teeth. Postless approaches have been proposed to improve and restore teeth. The preservation of the dental structure of endodontically treated […]
Ergonomics in dentist refers to designing tools, equipment, and workspaces to reduce health risks for operators and patients while improving posture and movement and optimizing the results for the patients.an […]
One of the main objectives in endodontic treatment is the disinfection of the root canal system. However, most of the time we face severely destroyed teeth, which means a challenge […]
Understanding of the root canal anatomy is crucial prerequisite for predictable successful long-term results. (1-5) Although basic applications of root canal therapy through biomechanical preparation of the entire root canal […]
Aim of endodontic therapy is to maintain or restore the periapical health of teeth through shaping, cleaning and filling tridimensionally the root canal system. Root canal treatment has proven to […]
This article reports on an Endodontic treatment of obliterated teeth using a static guided endodontic (GE) technique. The aim is to demonstrate the benefits and limits of static guided endodontics. […]
The first step to reach the success of root canal therapy is o have a good knowledge of the root and root canal morphology. This helps us to locate all […]
Core build up using adhesive materials has become very popular due to many advantages of this technique. Better aesthetics in the front region and better mechanical force distribution compared to […]
The successful outcome of root canal treatment in teeth with non-infected vital pulps depends on preventing root canal infection, while in teeth with infected necrotic pulps it relies on eradication […]