Fig. 1

Preoperative X ray

Patient presented to the clinic with deep decays on the distal aspect of tooth 15 not visible clinically

Primary root canal treatment is scheduled

Fig. 2

Treatment planing to restore this maxillary first premolar includes first a root canal retreatment.

X-rays during RC treatment: Master cones and Post operative down pack Xrays taken the day of the treatment.

Video of the procedure

Fig. 3

Post Operative Xrays taken after core build up with 2 purple Dentoclic fiber post 1mm in diameter.

Patient was referred after for crown preparation.


In summary, Itena Clinical resin core build up kit is user friendly and with great working time before setting allowing an easy and hustle free build up. One millimeter diameter fiber posts can provide excellent restoration results with conservative build ups without any extra enlargement. Adequate steps for dentine or enamel preparation before and during bonding should be carried out for optimum result. Moreover, like in this case post were convergent in direction to the access cavity hence preserving more healthy dentine tissue. Finally, the clinician should respect all stages of the adhesive techniques taking special care for the time frame during etching and bonding of the tooth structures.


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