The increased life expectancy has led to the increase in numbers of elderly patients seeking dental treatments, and more precisely root canal treatments. According to a survey of diplomates of […]
The increased life expectancy has led to the increase in numbers of elderly patients seeking dental treatments, and more precisely root canal treatments. According to a survey of diplomates of […]
It is very important to identify obstacles and plan any strategies from the beginning to avoid problems that could cost us the success of the treatment Preoperative radiograph identification, […]
Dental anomaly is a condition in which one or more teeth deviate from the normal in form, function, or position. And it includes abnormalities in teeth number, size, shape and […]
A thorough knowledge of the root canal anatomy and its variation is required for achieving success in root canal therapy, along with diagnosis, treatment planning and clinical expertise. Outcome of […]
Dens evaginatus (DE) is a relatively rare developmental anomaly that occurs more often in people of Asian descent than European descent. DE appears as a cusplike elevation of enamel, referred […]
One of the most common causes of failure in endodontics is missing canals.
The middle canal in lower molars is not an exception and has been studied by numerous authors in the literature.
Its prevalence ranges from 0,28% to 53,8% and it’s specially presents in the mesial root.
Using different X-ray angulations or with the help of CBCT we can confirm its existence.
Understanding the anatomy of the teeth is a key factor for the success of our treatment.
In this case we are treating a previously treated lower molar with some hidden anatomy.
A thorough knowledge of the root canal anatomy and its variations is required for achieving success in root canal therapy, along with diagnosis, treatment planning and clinical expertise, One such […]
The presence of 3 rooted premolars called, little molars, is pretty infrequent. Found in only 1-4% of cases with regional variation. The two morphological types involve either two buccal and […]
Deep split, also known as Vertucci type V canal anatomy, is one of the most challenging anatomies in root canal treatment. It presents a situation where one canal leaves the […]
A thorough knowledge of root canal anatomy is essential for predictable and successful outcomes of endodontic therapy. Mandibular premolars are rightly called “endodontist’s enigma” by Slowey, as they are known […]
The presence or absence of periradicular disease is determined according to clinical and radiographic findings. This article will discuss the non surgical endodontic retreatment of a mandibular first molar with […]
Speaking of ANATOMIC VARIATIONS The clinician should be aware of root canal anatomy and morphology, not to mention the protocol of debridement, disinfection and obturation. Vertucci5 reported the incidence of […]