As Endodontists our daily work is an adrenaline fuel because we face new challenges on a daily basis and each case requires a strategy to fix it. Strategy before any […]
As Endodontists our daily work is an adrenaline fuel because we face new challenges on a daily basis and each case requires a strategy to fix it. Strategy before any […]
The ledge, which is a deviation from the original canal curvature without communication with the periodontal ligament, is created when the working length can no longer be negotiated, and the […]
Nowadays the number of retreatment cases are increasing in front of primary treatments. That’s why we need some innovative tools to help us achieving our rationale in non-surgical retreatments. In […]
In this article we are introducing the RE-TREATY files for the retreatment of Maxillary Molar and we will show how the system combines the function of Cutting Efficiency & Flexibility […]
In our daily practice, we face a lot of difficulties in root canal treatment and re-treatment. Some of these difficulties may be due to the case itself, and others may […]
In this article i am presenting a case with multiple errors came symptomatic while biting. Lack of knowledge in the endodontic field may lead to some errors during the treatment […]
The reason why we designed and developed ReTreaty kit, is because we felt the need to make the reatreatment procedure more predictable and easier. As StyleItaliano Endodontics we already shared […]
Aim of endodontic therapy is to maintain or restore the periapical health of teeth through shaping, cleaning and filling tridimensionally the root canal system. Root canal treatment has proven to […]
The successful outcome of root canal treatment in teeth with non-infected vital pulps depends on preventing root canal infection, while in teeth with infected necrotic pulps it relies on eradication […]
Being aware of variations in the anatomy and configurations of root canal system is important in order to treat a tooth effectively endodontically. In 1967, the notion of a hermetic […]
Endodontic treatment failure may occur due to numerous reasons, such as missed canal anatomy and insufficient disinfection, resulting in periapical infection. The use of cone beam computed tomography is invaluable […]
A case report showing the extent of the negative impact resulting from not performing a Pre-operative (diagnostic) x-ray before starting to treat a case. Dental radiology is the core diagnostic […]