In this article we are introducing the MG3 Blue Files for the treatment of Long Mandibular Molar and how the system combines the function of Cutting Efficiency & Flexibility to […]
One of the main goals of Endodontic treatment is to prevent reinfection hence come the role of obturation and 3D sealing to root canal system to provide sufficient apical and […]
Core build up using adhesive materials has become very popular due to many advantages of this technique. Better aesthetics in the front region and better mechanical force distribution compared to […]
Pulp necrosis(mostly due to trauma) in teeth with incomplete roots can arrest root development resulting in open apices. he main challenge in performing root-canal treatment in teeth with necrotic pulps […]
External cervical resorption (ECR) is initiated on the external aspect of the root, usually apical to the epithelial attachment. It is often aggressive in nature, resulting in significant loss of […]
Successful endodontic treatment depends on the triad of shaping, thorough cleaning and 3- dimensional obturation of tooth within the confines of canals. To achieve this objective the apical constriction must […]
Root canal retreatments always represent a hot topic. Whether the preoperative X-ray informs on a difficult retreatement or not, choosing the right armamentarium is crucial and can help the clinician […]
A 60 years old male came to our office due to abrasion and erosion he had on the front teeth. The involved teeth were vital and without any symtomps. The intra-oral […]
When the endodontic lesion involves the apex of an implant in addition to the one of the tooth, a retrograde peri-impantitis can be established. Retrograde peri-implantitis (RPI) is a primary […]
Having an optimal view of the operative field is one of the most obvious, but at the same times most important, aspects to keep into consideration while doing an endodontic […]
“Even a dentist who is not confident with his obturation technique can easily obturate a root canal with warm gutta-percha as long as the root canal has been cleaned and […]