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Mandibular Premolars: Teeth not to underestimate

The success of endodontic treatment depends on removing microorganisms from root canal system, three dimensionally sealing and the placement of a good coronal seal to prevent communications between oral cavity and the periradicular tissues (1-4). The operator should be able to assess the endodontic case and know about tooth anatomy and the suspected anatomical variations […]

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Scouting The Root Canal

As discussed on the previous article, the manual preflaring creates a glide path for safer use of hand files and NiTi rotary instrumentation. Canal scouting is the first phase of canal instrumentation, during which procedural difficulties or errors might more frequently occur.

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Coronal Preflaring

After access cavity, Preflaring, Canal Scouting and Glyde Path are the first phases of canal instrumentation and it has also been noted that, during these phases, the clinician might more frequently encounter procedural difficulties. These problems include instrument fracture, ledge formation, canal zipping or canal straightening, strip perforation, apical perforation, elbow formation and apical blockage. […]

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Shaping&Cleaning of the endodontic space: the Style Italiano Endodontic Philosophy and techniques

Endodontic diagnosis, therapies and follow-up procedures can be the most complex of dental treatments; among these, shaping the root canals has always been considered as the basic and most important procedure. Various instruments and techniques have been developed in the history of endodontics, to deal with the almost infinite anatomical variations of root canals; this […]

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Ultrasonics in Endodontics: Part 2

Having reviewed the history of ultrasound and ultrasonic tips in "Ultrasonic in Endodontics: Part 1" ( in this second part will be highlighted the clinical applications of these tools, that has today become fundamental in almost every phase of the endodontic therapy. In fact, if they assist the execution of a minimal invasive cavity access, […]

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Ultrasonics in Endodontics: Part 1

Around the end of 1950 the ultrasonic technology has had a wide spread not only in the field of hygiene and periodontology, but also in endodontics. Nowadays the operators thoroughly know the benefits of the use of ultrasound in the endodontic field, where a minimally invasive approach is always needed, together with magnification, in order […]

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A simple trick for a sharp apical barrier placement

One step apexification with MTA is nowadays a widely diffused procedure, although the major problem in cases of a wide open apex is the need to limit and confine the apexification material at the apex, avoiding its extrusion into the periodontal tissue. The use of a biocompatible matrix is advisable because its placement in the […]

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Irrigants: solutions and techniques

The aim of root canal therapy is either the treatment or the prevention of periapical periodontitis (or better, periradicular, taking into account lateral lesions). Kakehashi and coworkers, in 1965, were the first to demonstrate the relationship between periradicular lesions of endodontic origin and microbiota in the endodontic space. This result was confirmed later by most […]

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Overfilling: Endodontic Failure Vs Clinical Success

Many dentists believe that procedural errors in daily practice, such as over-filling, i.e. the contact of filling materials, generally gutta-percha and ZOE (Zinc Oxide Eugenol) sealer with the periradicular region in endodontically treated teeth are a direct cause of endodontic failure. A number of Authors reported the negative impact of over-filling on the predictability of […]

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Surgical Flap in Endo Surgery - Part 1

The selection of an appropriate flap design could determine the success of an endodontic surgery; therefore it's not possible to use a single flap design for different clinical situations and every flap has advantages and disadvantages: for this reason the pre-surgical planning is one of the most important phase of the treatment. The design of […]

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CBCT: The dark side of the moon

Why guessing what we could see? In comparison with the 2D imaging, 3D technology allows a safer and faster diagnostic process. Analysing the articles related to CBCT technology published in the Literature from 1998 to nowadays, only the 16,3% of papers deals with implantology. More than the 25% of the studies written from 1998 and […]

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Endodontic training

At one time I thought the most important thing was talent. I think now that — the young man or the young woman must possess or teach himself, train himself, in infinite patience, which is to try and to try and to try until it comes right. He must train himself in ruthless intolerance. William […]

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