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Management of Internal Root Resorption
Root resorption

Root resorption is the loss of dental hard tissues as a result of clastic activities. There are two types of root resorption in dentistry that we know, one is physiologic and the other is pathologic. Root resorption in the primary dentition is considered a normal physiologic process except when the resorption occurs prematurely. On the […]

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Restore the Natural: A complex horizontal fragment reattachment
Post endo restoration

A common trauma of anterior teeth is a coronal fracture. In according with the other article of Fabio Gorni on the same topic, also In this case we report a new conservative approach of a complex double reattachment associated to root canal therapy followed by fixing the fragments with a post. Due to the young patient age, the only […]

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Root canal disinfection during retreatments: a cordless revolution

The ultimate goal in endodontics is the complete removal and disinfection of the root canal space. The question is if that goal is truly achievable utilizing the conventional techniques we are currently taught. And what about retreatments? Retreatment of endodontic failures is a significant portion of endodontic specialty practice and failure might occur in case of […]

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Root Canal Filling Systems: Warm Vertical Condensation

Root canal filling systems represents the culmination and of a series of procedural steps. All dentists show a lot of interest when endodontic post-treatment radiographs exhibit puffs, filled accessory canals or shown a particular anatomy, like a isthmus or an accessory canal; cleaned but not shaped. The vertical compaction technique of warm gutta-percha, conceived and described by Schilder […]

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Obturation, Step No. 1: Cone Fit

Cone fit is the first step and a good starting point for a perfect 3D obturation of the root canal system. During this phase, we need: gutta-percha cones, a dedicated caliper and a blade or micro-scissors. Guttapercha cones are available in three different categories: 1) Non Standardized, with 0.20 tip and available in 9 size: […]

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Apical Gauging: measuring the Control Zone
Apical Gauging

Apical gauging is a mechanical term which clinically indicates the measuring of the apical diameter prior to obturation of the root canal system. This technique envisages the need to confirm that apical continuity of taper exists and that the tapered preparation, made with the last instrument, extends all the way to the end of the […]

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A synopsis about the first phases of canal shaping

After the last articles, by Fabio Gorni, Massimo Giovarruscio and Enrico Cassai, it is important to make a point of preflaring, scouting and glide-path preparation, the first phases of canal instrumentation. We have proposed a new classification of endodontic instruments based upon their clinical use, depending on the distinct phases of the endodontic treatment, namely: […]

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Glide Path Management: tips and tricks

“…I’ve often said on stage that I have two things to teach for the rest of my life and one is Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation and the other is Glide Path Management…” (Cliff Ruddle) Has been described on previous articles that canal preparation consists of three distinct stages: initial canal negotiation (Scouting and Preflaring), creation […]

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The working length

After having realized a minimally invasive access cavity and removed the coronal interferences (preflaring) the next step is passed to the scouting of the apical third canal as described in the two preceding articles of Dr Massimo Giovarruscio ( The advantages of the apical third scouting only after a preflaring in summary are: - Best […]

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Mandibular Premolars: Teeth not to underestimate

The success of endodontic treatment depends on removing microorganisms from root canal system, three dimensionally sealing and the placement of a good coronal seal to prevent communications between oral cavity and the periradicular tissues (1-4). The operator should be able to assess the endodontic case and know about tooth anatomy and the suspected anatomical variations […]

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Scouting The Root Canal

As discussed on the previous article, the manual preflaring creates a glide path for safer use of hand files and NiTi rotary instrumentation. Canal scouting is the first phase of canal instrumentation, during which procedural difficulties or errors might more frequently occur.

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Coronal Preflaring

After access cavity, Preflaring, Canal Scouting and Glyde Path are the first phases of canal instrumentation and it has also been noted that, during these phases, the clinician might more frequently encounter procedural difficulties. These problems include instrument fracture, ledge formation, canal zipping or canal straightening, strip perforation, apical perforation, elbow formation and apical blockage. […]

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