Vital pulp therapy (VPT) are those procedures carried out to maintain the dental pulp in a healthy condition, allowing to preserve its defensive function and sustaining its ability to form […]
Vital pulp therapy (VPT) are those procedures carried out to maintain the dental pulp in a healthy condition, allowing to preserve its defensive function and sustaining its ability to form […]
Success of Endodontic therapy depends upon the triad of thorough cleaning and shaping, disinfection & adequate obturation up-to the calculated working length of the root canals. Failure to follow the […]
When removing large amalgam restorations we frequently observe that modifications have occurred in the pulp chamber, that often presents a diminished size, with a more difficult finding of the root […]
Obturation and filling to the root canal system is considered the last step of pulp space treatment. Providing a 3D filling to root canal space and adapting intracanal filling material […]
Working lenght (WL) is a controversial topic in Endodontics but, fortunately, Clinicians and Authors agree about respecting it as much is possible during the entire endodontic treatment. WL is the […]
Invasive cervical resorption is characterized circumferential spread with/without coronal-apical spread in dentin where the involvement of the pulp may be delayed being present in advanced cases due to the presence […]
One of the most important steps of the endodontic therapy is the execution of the access cavity. Very often the failure of the therapy arises from an incorrect realization of […]
Impediments (obstructions, obstacles) could be of anatomic (Figure 1) or iatrogenic (Figure 2) origin. Obturation of root canals with impediments potentially presents significant challenge for clinician and different approaches are […]
We have discussed in the part 1 of this article how to remove broken files using ultrasonic technique ( ) but sometimes the ultrasonic (US) technique is useless when the broken […]
Pulp stones are discrete calcifications found in the pulp chamber of the tooth which may undergo changes to become diffuse pulp calcifications such as dystrophic calcification.[1] The number of pulp […]
Due to the biological and structural changes that the tooth undergoes during endodontic treatments,in principle it is mandatory that the teeth should be covered with a crown. The exceptation of […]
The aim of endodontic treatment is to eliminate microorganism infection from the root canal system and prevent reinfection.[1] Successful Endodontic treatment depends upon Adequate knowledge about the morphology of root […]