A case presentation of maxillary second molar with 3 mesio buccal (MB) canals.
A case presentation of maxillary second molar with 3 mesio buccal (MB) canals.
Endo pero lesions of primary periodontal organ can be diffcult to diagnose. A multidisciplinary approach is mandatory to solve the case
Internal resorption is a complex case that requires multiple tools and knowledge to treat it properly. Internal resorption is a condition in vital cases where is the loss of dentin in the canal space, and is caused by multi-nucleated giant cells called dentinoclasts. This case was referred to me by a dear colleague after opening […]
The increased life expectancy has led to the increase in numbers of elderly patients seeking dental treatments, and more precisely root canal treatments. According to a survey of diplomates of the American Board of Endodontics, patients over 65 years of age represent 26% of all endodontically treated patients. (1) Maintaining natural and functional teeth plays […]
Root canal retreatments have always been the elefant in the room. The preoperative X-ray may or may not predict future difficulties, thus the clinician has to stay constantly alert for any unplanned situations that have to be managed. Nonclinical curvatures, separated files, ledges, perforations and much more circumstances can be completely camouflaged inside a common […]
It is very important to identify obstacles and plan any strategies from the beginning to avoid problems that could cost us the success of the treatment Preoperative radiograph identification, root canal access opening, intraoperative identification, location, instrumentation, debridement, disinfection, obturation are improtant for successful endodontic therapy. The use of the microscope was essential to […]
In this article we are going to share management of a lower first molar with a non-surgical re-treatment (NSRT) approach.
Retreatment isn't about creating longer or better looking white lines , it's about understanding causes of failure and how to overcome them, Usually the cause of failure is due to not abiding to the following parameters such as proper diagnosis including preoperative periapical radigraphs, isolation of the field, full chemo-mechanical preparation of the canals and […]
Retreatments in endodontics are always a challenge. Nowadays above all for Endodontist retreatments are a daily routine. Each case is different and it’s important have the right tools and the right strategy to be able to face them. In this article I am describing all the phases step by step to retreat a difficult case […]
As we know, the presence of a second canal in the mesiobuccal root is very common in upper molars.
This second canal is usually more difficult to treat, due to its location and anatomy.
In the article, we will describe how we can locate it, and how to properly manage the entrance of the canal, in order to carry out adequate instrumentation of it.
Dental anomaly is a condition in which one or more teeth deviate from the normal in form, function, or position. And it includes abnormalities in teeth number, size, shape and structure
Hydraulic Calcium Silicate sealers may be considered as an interesting solution to make the obturation steps reliable and easier to achieve. The purpose of this article is to report and present the advantages of a simple and faster technique to improve the 3D obturation.