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Post endodontic restoration of Class I cavities

The loss of tooth  structure caused by the Endodontic access cavity results in a decrease of rigidity by 5%.  After root canal treatment the remaining tooth structure could be restored using different restorative options.  The simplest cavity is “Class I. A molar with a “Class I” cavity should be restored with conservative approach and the […]

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Treatment of an extensive radicular fracture: the pre-endodontic restoration of a structurally compromised tooth. Part 1

Trauma related fractures are one of the most common types of dental injury in the permanent dentition.  The purpose of this case report is to present a multidisciplinary management of a sub-gingival crown- root fracture in a patient. Management of traumatic dental injuries (TDI) should involve a multidisciplinary approach to optimize healing while maintaining function […]

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Root To Crown With Dentoclic Fiber Post Build Up Chapter 1: Molar Case

Failing primary endodontic treatments are retreated to enhance the cleaning and shaping of the entire root canal space. Reshaping usually tends to eliminate more tooth structure from the canal walls. Furthermore endodontically treated teeth are already susceptible to mechanical failure due to de-roofing of the pulp chamber. For all these reason special care should be […]

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Build up and onlay preparation of an endodontically treated tooth with QuickBond adhesive system and Dentocore core build up composite

Rehabilitating endodontically treated teeth that have partially maintained coronal structure with overlay is nowadays the gold standard. Adhesive dentistry has changed the way we approach these cases: the goal is to maintain the coronal structure that has not been removed during caries removal and during root canal therapy. Adhesives and composites have permitted more conservative […]

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Direct restoration of an endodontically treated tooth with Itena Reflectys composite and Quick bond adhesive system

Adhesive dentistry changed the way we approach the rehabilitation of endodontically treated teeth. Adhesives and composites have permitted more conservative protocols for repairing severely damaged teeth by reducing the invasiveness that was historically involved with the ‘’classic’’ prosthetic approach. In particular, direct restoration are the most conservative approach of the modern dentistry and in some […]

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Dental Adhesives: a 10 years story

An article by dr. Salvatore Sauro Overview and basic commentary  Before any discussion about adhesion to crown and root dentine, it is imperative to state that there is no substantial scientific research evidence-base that can support a specific bonding approach rather than another. Said that, there are several in vitro studies showing that multi-step bonding […]

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Itena Glass Fiber Post Restoration Step by Step

Clinicians often face dilemmas regarding the most appropriate way to restore a tooth following root canal treatment. Whilst there is established consensus on the importance of the ferrule effect on the predictable restoration of root filled teeth, other factors, such as residual tooth volume, tooth location, number of proximal contacts, timing of the definitive restoration […]

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Use of Itena Dentoclic Glass Fiber Post in the Restoration of endodontically treated tooth

Endodontically treated teeth (ETT) are more susceptible to biomechanics failures compared to vital teeth, mostly due to the amount of internal tooth structure that is removed during endodontic treatment and the loss of coronal hard tissue.  The prognosis of ETT is based not only on the quality of the endodontic treatment, but also on the […]

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