In the following clinical case, a maxillary first premolar was presented with invading decay reaching the pulp chamber. The tooth was diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis needing root canal treatment. The […]
In the following clinical case, a maxillary first premolar was presented with invading decay reaching the pulp chamber. The tooth was diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis needing root canal treatment. The […]
Trauma related fractures are one of the most common types of dental injury in the permanent dentition. The purpose of this case report is to present a multidisciplinary management of […]
The loss of tooth structure caused by the Endodontic access cavity results in a decrease of rigidity by 5%. After root canal treatment the remaining tooth structure could be restored […]
Failing primary endodontic treatments are retreated to enhance the cleaning and shaping of the entire root canal space. Reshaping usually tends to eliminate more tooth structure from the canal walls. […]
Rehabilitating endodontically treated teeth that have partially maintained coronal structure with overlay is nowadays the gold standard. Adhesive dentistry has changed the way we approach these cases: the goal is […]
Adhesive dentistry changed the way we approach the rehabilitation of endodontically treated teeth. Adhesives and composites have permitted more conservative protocols for repairing severely damaged teeth by reducing the invasiveness […]
Clinicians often face dilemmas regarding the most appropriate way to restore a tooth following root canal treatment. Whilst there is established consensus on the importance of the ferrule effect on […]
Endodontically treated teeth (ETT) are more susceptible to biomechanics failures compared to vital teeth, mostly due to the amount of internal tooth structure that is removed during endodontic treatment and […]
One of the controversial topics about endodontics and restorative dentistry is the interaction between endodontic sealers and adhesion. Regarding fiber post cementation, the cleaning of the endodontic space plays a […]
Fiber post removal is a first necessary step in order to gain the access to the root canals and retreat them. Many techniques have been suggested, but in this article […]
Most failures of endodontically treated teeth seem to be due to biomechanical or restorative rather than biological reasons. For a long-term success is very important to minimize the loss of […]
A 27 years old patient came to our clinic with pain on the right upper side. After examination a root canal treatment was needed. On the pre-operative X-ray we understood […]