This is the story of an injured upper right later incisor. Due a surgical approach, a lateral incisor root has been accidentally cut in two parts. In this case the […]
This is the story of an injured upper right later incisor. Due a surgical approach, a lateral incisor root has been accidentally cut in two parts. In this case the […]
Various regenerative endodontic treatment (RET) protocols have been suggested with differences mainly in the disinfection technique used, intracanal medicaments, scaffold systems, and coronal filling materials. In order to reduce such […]
Root canal system is a complex entity in itself. Success treatment of the root canal system depends upon the triad of thorough cleaning and shaping, disinfection & obturation up-to the […]
One of the most undesirable situations for us dentists is the diagnosis of cracked teeth, as well as their treatment. This happens because diagnosing tooth micro-fractures, which are usually invisible […]
Understanding the interaction between endodontics and periodontics is of crucial importance to the clinician because of the challenges frequently encountered in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of combined endodontic–periodontal […]
Apical surgery is an option for the management of endodontically-treated tooth with persistent periapical lesions or symptom/sign. Several epidemiological studies have suggested that 33–60% of endodontically-treated teeth still presented the […]
It is reported that almost 40% of retreatment with chronic apical periodontitis or symptomatic apical periodontitis are due to missed canals. Karabucak & all reported in 2016 an overall incidence […]
During our daily treatments we often face different situations where many disciplines of dentistry intertwine with each other, in some treatments we have the need for secondary treatments. In this […]
For invasive cervical resorption to occur and propagate, there must be a damage in the periodontal ligament and cementum in addition to a contributing factor(s) which is assumed to sustain […]
Different types pf posts can be placed during restorative procedures; prefabricated ones such as the screw posts, the paraposts or more recently the ceramic post and fiber posts, or the […]
"Minimally Invasive Endodontics" concept should be case dependent to achieve better outcome. We aim to preserve tooth structure but at the same time we should be able to do that […]
Invasive cervical resorption is characterized circumferential spread with/without coronal-apical spread in dentin where the involvement of the pulp may be delayed being present in advanced cases due to the presence […]