Article by: Elias Abboud, Damascus Syria The mandibular first molar seems to be the tooth that most often requires an endodontic procedure (vital pulp capping, pulpotomy, root canal therapy) therefore, its morphology […]
Article by: Elias Abboud, Damascus Syria The mandibular first molar seems to be the tooth that most often requires an endodontic procedure (vital pulp capping, pulpotomy, root canal therapy) therefore, its morphology […]
Narrow canal is a great challenge to Endodontist, When combined with calcified entrance the difficulty doubled. Preoperative assessment to the periapical radiograph would help in avoiding many errors that could […]
Clinicians often face dilemmas regarding the most appropriate way to restore a tooth following root canal treatment. Whilst there is established consensus on the importance of the ferrule effect on […]
What if retreatment is not enough? Retreatment is one of the biggest challenges for the clinician due to the unexpected surprises, prognosis & diagnosis which may be tricky in many […]
The Primary objective of endodontic treatments is treatment and/or prevention of apical periodontitis. To achieve this goal, the endodontist must be able to process all the case givens to reach […]
In this clinical case I want to emphasize the importance of the instruments and the impact they give us during endodontic treatments, which are often complicated where the help of […]
Adhesive dentistry changed the way we approach the rehabilitation of endodontically treated teeth. Adhesives and composites have permitted more conservative protocols for repairing severely damaged teeth by reducing the invasiveness […]
In this article I am going to describe and show how we can use Extendo in daily practice. It is an instrument of SMART ENDO KIT, from DEPPELER. The kit […]
Endodontically treated teeth (ETT) are more susceptible to biomechanics failures compared to vital teeth, mostly due to the amount of internal tooth structure that is removed during endodontic treatment and […]
The development of various areas of dentistry requires precise study of morphology of human teeth so that better oral health can be provided. The mandibular molars play a principal role […]
In retreatments the clinician should follow the same different steps: careful radiographic diagnosis and, if required, cbct reconfiguration of the cavity access, to realise the appropriate features and start the […]
Shaping the root canal system using only mechanical files can be done in the majority of cases. When using this approach it is important to follow a precise strategy and […]