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Partial Necrosis of a Root Canal System

A white male patient was referred for a root canal treatment on seemingly necrotic first right lower molar tooth #46. Patient was exhibiting episodes of pain from time to time that started few days ago. Intra Oral examination showed a sinus tract on the buccal aspect of the gum facing first molar #46.No probing was […]

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Tactic and strategy for curved, narrow and difficult canals
Shaping Tools

The video shows the strategy to adopt in difficult cases

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Management of the apical inflammatory root resorption
Filling MTA Tools

Apical inflammatory root resorption (AIRR) is one of the challenges that can happen during root canal treatment. Mostly it is associated with apical periodontis, but can occur after traumas, orthodontic treatment, autotransplantation or can be associated with idiopatic factors. One of the most common factors that is present in teeth with AIRR is intracanal infection. […]

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Treatment of a very important tooth. Multidisciplinary approach
Diagnosis EndoResto

During our daily treatments we often face different situations where many disciplines of dentistry intertwine with each other, in some treatments we have the need for secondary treatments.  The patient comes to our clinic with complaints in the lower right jaw, and to resolve this situation we performed a multidisciplinary approach to resolve the problem. […]

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PREXO: The perfect plugger for apical third compaction.
Condensation Obturation Tools

During apical third compaction while using warm vertical obturation techniques , we need a smart plugger with perfect size to fit the small area apically without touching the root walls and perform efficient vertical compaction for the apical gutta-percha plug ,Thanks to the round and smooth edges of PREXO plugger that allow us to do […]

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Bioceramic sealers application: the ultimate guide
Obturation Tips and tricks

Warm and cold Gutta percha in combination with various types of root canal sealers have been considered the dominant techniques since the mid nineteenth century. With the advent of Bioceramic premixed sealers, maybe a new era started, but first of all a new trend has been established. All these kind of sealers should be extruded […]

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Retreatment of a Maxillary First Molar using MG3 files
Retreatments Shaping Tools

Correct endodontic treatment has to follow several parameters: proper diagnosis, isolation of operating field, full chemo-mechanical preparation of the complex endodontic system, three-dimensional obturation of the root canals and finally the post endodontic restoration. Respecting all these parameters, short- and long-term success can be achieved. Failure to follow the protocol in any of the above […]

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Controlled preparation of the Endodontic Access Cavity
Access Cavity Tools

The access cavity must make the succeeding steps easier and safer. It must therefore meet the following requirements Permit the removal of all the chamber contents Permit complete, direct vision of the floor of the pulp chamber and the canal openings Facilitate the introduction of canal instruments into the root canal openings Provide access as […]

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Management of a C-Shaped Canal in wisdom tooth
Anatomy EndoResto

The C-shaped root canal is considered an anatomical variation and was firstly documented in endodontic literature by Cooke and Cox in 1979. The main cause of a C-shaped root is due to the failure of the Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath to fuse on the lingual or buccal root surface . The roots of molars with […]

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Smart Endo Kit and Sandwich Technique
Obturation Tools

It was lovely to use my Smart Endo kit on a difficult Endo case. An External/Internal resorption on upper central incisor was treated using the MTA Sandwich Technique.

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Long canal obturation: tips and tricks
Filling Tips and tricks

Root canals whose length is more than 23 mm are considered as long. When the clinician faces this kind of teeth there are some aspects to take into consideration, from xrays to endodontic obturation, in order to avoid problems.

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The rationale use of Smart Endo Kit in projecting and doing the access cavity on tooth 4.7
Access Cavity Tools

Clinicians are aware that, in endodontics, the access cavity phase is the first mandatory step to achieve the success of the therapy. A correct project, with the right instruments, allows a quicker and easier realization of the access.

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