Shaping procedure change so much in the last years, minimal invasive endodontics is a MUST in dentistry today, new materials lead us to work fast, secure and minimal invasive.
Shaping procedure change so much in the last years, minimal invasive endodontics is a MUST in dentistry today, new materials lead us to work fast, secure and minimal invasive.
Anatomy is one of the biggest challenges in the root canal treatment. During the step of shaping lots of errors may happen like zipping, ledges, transportation, straightening the anatomy and file separation: that’s why in this article we are going to share safe and predictable techniques for instrumenting the root canal system in several types of […]
The curved and dilacerated roots in the posterior teeth often present the major challenge to the clinicians during the endodontic treatments. Failure to secure a safe glide path in order to achieve an optimum biomechanical preparation may lead to complications which will jeopardize the final outcome of the treatment due to : Planning should start […]
Non surgical endodontic treatment of teeth with prosthodontic works can present some difficulty mainly due to the necessity to disassemble the existing restoration and to the loss of the anatomic references that guide the clinician to find the root canal openings. When getting ready to treat a crowned tooth, the clinician must read carefully the […]
This article clarifies how to deal with extra root canal system anatomy of premolars clinically and how you can manage and shape the buccal tinny and curved canals of molarized premolar with simple technique by using an handpiece with manual files in reciprocation motion. Endodontic treatment success is dependent on thorough debridement and full obturation […]
In this article we are introducing the RE-TREATY files for the retreatment of Maxillary Molar and we will show how the system combines the function of Cutting Efficiency & Flexibility to facilitate the Retreatment step in a conservative way.
In our daily practice, we face a lot of difficulties in root canal treatment and re-treatment. Some of these difficulties may be due to the case itself, and others may happen during the procedure. Key factors to overcome such situations are identifying these difficulties and knowing how to deal with them.
This article will describe the important factors of the challenging cases of root canal treatment performed with Ni-Ti files. Introducing heat treatment to the world of endodontics made a huge revolution in the root canals shaping procedures. In most cases the heat treated files became much more flexible and moreover more resistant in many cases. […]
There are difficult situations clinicians cope with when performing a primary root canal treatment. If the patient has limited mouth opening, moreover a deep margine elevation must be managed to restore a distal and a buccal wall, various challenges have to be managed carefully. Placing the rubber dam clamp and identifying the canals in such […]
Aim of endodontic therapy is to maintain or restore the periapical health of teeth through shaping, cleaning and filling tridimensionally the root canal system. Root canal treatment has proven to be a predictable procedure with a high success rate. Nevertheless, failures occur in 14-16% of primary endodontic treatments and retreatments account for approximately 30% of […]
During preparation ledges are inadvertently created and make further instrumentation more difficult as file tips snag in the ledge rather than progressing smoothly to the working length. Stiff instruments or drills will tend to straighten in the curved root canal. Ledges are most likely on the outer curvature either at the primary curvature or apically. […]