The use intraradicular posts in root filled teeth has been an area of much discussion and controversy. It is imperative to acknowledge that the purpose of a post is to […]
The use intraradicular posts in root filled teeth has been an area of much discussion and controversy. It is imperative to acknowledge that the purpose of a post is to […]
Core build up using adhesive materials has become very popular due to many advantages of this technique. Better aesthetics in the front region and better mechanical force distribution compared to […]
Failing primary endodontic treatment on the Upper Right second premolar with large lesion. Root canal retreatment was conducted with intracanal medication with calcium hydroxide for 1 week after the cleaning […]
Post space preparation is a critical step to achieve clean dentinal surfaces for adhesion of the cementing material. Therefore, complete removal of the root filing materials is essential to enhance the […]
Before starting any Endodontic Root Canal treatment, it is necessary to know the anatomy and morphology of the tooth as best as possible. The anatomy of root canal morphology plays […]
In the following clinical case, a maxillary first premolar was presented with invading decay reaching the pulp chamber. The tooth was diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis needing root canal treatment. The […]
Trauma related fractures are one of the most common types of dental injury in the permanent dentition. The purpose of this case report is to present a multidisciplinary management of […]
Clinicians often face dilemmas regarding the most appropriate way to restore a tooth following root canal treatment. Whilst there is established consensus on the importance of the ferrule effect on […]
Endodontically treated teeth (ETT) are more susceptible to biomechanics failures compared to vital teeth, mostly due to the amount of internal tooth structure that is removed during endodontic treatment and […]