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The field of endodontic retreatment is wide and the cases are variable according to the mishaps included. This article will deal with a short filling which was condensed despite having an apical blockage.

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Non-surgical endodontic treatment of large periapical lesions

This article showing the method of using non-setting calcium hydroxide in case with large periapical lesion .

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Selective Root Canal Re-Treatement of Lower Left Pre-Molar

In retreatment cases , the clinician has to deal with many mishaps such as underfilled, missed and obstructed canals as also with iatrogenic damages as separated instruments and perforations. Underfilled and missed canals are the main reasons for endodontic failures (>30%).Especially underfilling can be a real challenge since it can strongly reduces the success rate […]

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Retreatment case: metal post removal and deep splitting canal

There are four options for managing a tooth with posttreatment disease: do nothing, extraction, non­surgical retreatment, or surgical treatment. Avoiding treatment may result in the progression of disease and continued destruction of supporting tissues, as well as possible acute exacerbation of systemic side effects, such as cellulitis and/or lymphadenopathy. In most cases, these options are […]

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Retreatment of a second upper premolar

The patient came to my office with a big swelling and acute pain , after the pre-op X-ray the situation was clear , apical periodontitis plus a lateral lesion . The previous endodontic treatment is short and we have a perforation on middle one third of the root located on the distal aspect of the […]

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One canal, two broken files

The position and anatomy of upper molars can make root canal treatment challenging, and instrument separation is common. In the presented case, tooth 1.6 had an abscess, and an attempt at root canal treatment was made. Unfortunately, the previous dentist encountered difficulties and broke a paste carrier approximately 4 mm beyond the apex. In the […]

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Management of iatrogenic errors of root canal treatment- A case with multiple complex mishaps, ledge and perforation management

Endodontic mishaps can interfere with the healing process of the body and can result in failure of the root canal treatment

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The Problems of Pulpotec Material 

Narrow canal is a great challenge to Endodontist, When combined with calcified entrance the difficulty doubled. Preoperative assessment to the periapical radiograph would help in avoiding many errors that could happen if case is underestimated. CBCT has a great role in assessment and planning for management of canal calcification and blockage and it’s considered of […]

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Root Canal Retreatment of LR6 using the Retreaty system from Perfect: A case report 

Single file instrumentation has to some extent ease the root canal preparation in both primary root canal treatments and retreatments. However, the variety of clinical situations does not agree with the optimistic approach of having one instrument to fit all circumstances. All clinicians should carefully conduct their preoperative assessment as well as their constant intraoperative […]

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Retreatment case:Metal post removal and deep splitting canal Retreatment case:

There are four options for managing a tooth with posttreatment disease: do nothing, extraction, non­surgical retreatment, or surgical treatment. Avoiding treatment may result in the progression of disease and continued destruction of supporting tissues, as well as possible acute exacerbation of systemic side effects, such as cellulitis and/or lymphadenopathy. In most cases, these options are […]

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Retreatment of teeth with a complex root system anatomy #1

Modern endodontic treatment is based on optimal cleaning,disinfection and high-quiality obturation of the root canal system.Anatomy is considered as a key factor in the healing process.That is why a clinician have to be aware of all normal,possible and abnormal variations in the teeth anatomy for achieving a maximum clinical success.In the article presents clinical example that demonstrate the complexity of endodontic retreatment of the maxillary left premolar

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Pulpal Floor Perforation repair with the use of MTA cement

Perforation repair with MTA

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