A 51 years old male complaining of sharp pain to cold and during eating in his lower left posterior teeth. After an accurate diagnosis, the case was managed with a […]
A 51 years old male complaining of sharp pain to cold and during eating in his lower left posterior teeth. After an accurate diagnosis, the case was managed with a […]
Endodontic treatment with the Rising kit by FANTA dental
To perform an endodontic treatment and achieve a favorable outcome it is crucial that we eliminate the bacterial infection from the internal complex anatomy through proper shaping and cleaning.
In order to achieve this outcome we need a proper diagnosis, an appropriate treatment plan, a correct protocol approach and of course a set of files with great cutting efficiency and flexibility to deal with the challenges of the internal anatomy.
Managing narrow and calcified canals is one of the biggest challenges in endodontics, requiring precision, flexibility, and the right tools.The Harmony system from Fanta provides hybridization not only within a […]
Calcified canals are always a challenge for the clinician because they can be difficult to find and even more difficult to negotiate and shape. A new sequence of files has […]
Curved canals can be difficult to manage because of the risk of creating ledges, wrong paths or to block the file inside of the curvature, with subsequent file separation. A […]
Success in non-surgical retreatments requires strategic planning rather than application of procedural steps. The clinician must be able to modify the strategy in different cases and adapt the utilized tools, according to encountered anatomy as well as the case difficulty.
Disassembling in endodontics refers to the process of carefully removing any obstructions, restorations, or prior materials within a root canal to allow for effective retreatment. "Retreaty Files" represent a new […]
Achieving glide path in retreatments by removing safely the gutta percha and sealer from within the root canal is always a difficult step. The instruments used in endodontic retreatments have […]
Our primary purpose in Endodontics is represented by the chance to preserve and maintain a tooth in place, even if previously treated. One of the indication for a retreatment is when the coronal seal is compromised. This clinical case highlights the daily practice with the predicability of the use of Retreaty kit by Perfect Endo.
This particular case serves as an illustrative example of the application of correct rotary protocol in the execution of a root canal procedure within a mandibular first molar with calcified and missed canal, employing Retreaty files from Perfect Endo.
Abiding by the styleitaliano philosophy Retreaty kit allowed a more conservative way in retreatment cases by having 3 different alloys to help in managing the cases in feasible, teachable & repeatable approach