The management of nonsurgical retreatment has proven to be an effective alternative in dentistry for preserving natural teeth. Studies indicate that success rates may decline due to anatomical factors overlooked […]
The management of nonsurgical retreatment has proven to be an effective alternative in dentistry for preserving natural teeth. Studies indicate that success rates may decline due to anatomical factors overlooked […]
This is the story of retreatment and management of tooth number 21 where a screw post was placed in the canal without performing root canal treatment. Over a decade, the […]
The main goal of root canal treatment is to eliminate the infection in the complex root canal system for the long-term preservation of a functional tooth. Proper debridement of the […]
Success in non-surgical retreatments requires strategic planning rather than application of procedural steps. The clinician must be able to modify the strategy in different cases and adapt the utilized tools, according to encountered anatomy as well as the case difficulty.
In this article i am using RE-TREATY kit from Perfect to retreat a Maxillary Molar in a conservative way.
Disassembling in endodontics refers to the process of carefully removing any obstructions, restorations, or prior materials within a root canal to allow for effective retreatment. "Retreaty Files" represent a new […]
Endodontic mishaps can interfere with the healing process of the body and can result in failure of the root canal treatment if not taken care of. Perforation, if present should […]
The removal of separated files is favourable when the file is visible, located in a relatively straight canal and there is a significant portion of the file protruding in the pulp chamber above the canal orifice.
Gentle teasing with Stieglitz Forceps usually represents the best approach in this situations similarly to silver points’ removal.
Unfortunately in the presented case the use of grasping action and pull was not sufficient due to engagement of the file past the apical foramen.
A tailored trial and error approach is required for each individual case.
Achieving glide path in retreatments by removing safely the gutta percha and sealer from within the root canal is always a difficult step. The instruments used in endodontic retreatments have […]
In this article we are going to review how can we deal with the most hated canal in Endodontics from diagnosis to obturation.
Root resorption is a pathological process that may occur after surgical mechanical, chemical or thermal insult. Generally, it can be classified as internal and external root resorption. Depending on the […]
Our primary purpose in Endodontics is represented by the chance to preserve and maintain a tooth in place, even if previously treated. One of the indication for a retreatment is when the coronal seal is compromised. This clinical case highlights the daily practice with the predicability of the use of Retreaty kit by Perfect Endo.