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Radix entomolaris and paramolaris
Anatomy Diagnosis

Supernumerary root in mandibular molars; prevalence, classification, diagnosis and management.

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By-pass with style
Separated instruments

The main purpose of an endodontic treatment is to render the root canal system free of bacteria. This will facilitate the resolution of inflammation and the alleviation of symptoms. But most of the time, the clinician faces obstacles that must be overcome to properly disinfect the root canals. Failure to remove these interferences means that […]

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Intentional replantation in distal root defect made by wisdom tooth.
Intentional replantation


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Expanding the limits of Tooth Restorability

Nowadays, it is a common thing to have patients with extensive dental tissue loss because of caries. However, high magnification and the use of new technology and techniques help us to save teeth that not long ago would be considered for extraction. A patient, with clear medical history, was referred for evaluation of restorability and […]

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Deep caries due to pre-eruptive intracoronal resorption (PIER) in a recently erupted maxillary second molar: a case report
EndoPerio EndoResto

A pre-eruptive intra-coronal resorption (PIER) is a defect located in the dentin of an unerupted tooth, just beneath the dentin-enamel junction.  The depth of the lesion is variable and may also reach the pulp, like in this 13 years old patient.  In the past, these lesions were confused with caries, and were therefore called “hidden” […]

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Distal canal as a determinant of MB2 location?!
Anatomy MB2

Finding mB2 can be challenging work. Usually, the entrance is covered with thick deposition of secondary dentin, which impede visualization. In clinical practice finding MB2 is of higher importance, while ignoring it can lead to apical periodontitis in vast majority of cases. We want to share more predictable searching method for easy detection of MB2.

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Optimizing Endodontic Outcomes through Selective Root Retreatment

In field of endodontic retreatment, the traditional dichotomy between non-selective nonsurgical methods and selective surgical interventions has been redefined by advances in CBCT imaging. This technological leap has facilitated the development of a contemporary method that amalgamates the conservative nature of nonsurgical techniques with the precision of surgical selectivity. This novel, minimally invasive approach allows […]

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A Mandibular First Molar with Radix Entomolaris and Middle Mesial Canal: a case report

Case report of the endodontic treatment of a mandibular first molar with radix entomolaris and middle mesial canal

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A diagnostic conundrum
Anatomy Diagnosis

Multi-rooted teeth in the upper arch can present diagnostic difficulties. Vitality testing can result in erratic response due to necrobiosis status of the pulp. The aid of CBCT scan to rule out the presence of vertical root fractures is highly recommended. In general cracks are not visible on CBCT scans (Brady et al, 2014), however […]

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Bending preservation of gutta-percha in lower first premolar with 3 canals
Anatomy Tips and tricks

This article clarifies how to to bend gutta-percha cone and preserve this bending even if the temperature of the body can straighten the master cone in deep apical splitting of the canals.

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Management of separated instruments in different location 
Separated instruments

Separation of nickel-titanium instrument during root canal treatment can cause serious complications that may lead to treatment failure. It prevents complete cleaning and filling of the entire root canal space. Therefore, retrieval of the instrument should be tried to achieve better outcome for the therapy. There are two ways to manage this problem:

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Essential kit: for majority of the cases
Shaping Tools

Root canal preparation has been considered the most important step in Endodontic therapy for dentin removal. It is a challenge for even the most experienced Endodontist to achieve optimum cleaning and shaping respecting the original anatomy. The main factor that determines the prognosis of restored pulpless teeth is preservation of sound dentin. Residual dentin thickness […]

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