Endodontic mishaps can interfere with the healing process of the body and can result in failure of the root canal treatment
Endodontic mishaps can interfere with the healing process of the body and can result in failure of the root canal treatment
Narrow canal is a great challenge to Endodontist, When combined with calcified entrance the difficulty doubled. Preoperative assessment to the periapical radiograph would help in avoiding many errors that could […]
Single file instrumentation has to some extent ease the root canal preparation in both primary root canal treatments and retreatments. However, the variety of clinical situations does not agree with […]
There are four options for managing a tooth with posttreatment disease: do nothing, extraction, nonsurgical retreatment, or surgical treatment. Avoiding treatment may result in the progression of disease and continued […]
Modern endodontic treatment is based on optimal cleaning,disinfection and high-quiality obturation of the root canal system.Anatomy is considered as a key factor in the healing process.That is why a clinician have to be aware of all normal,possible and abnormal variations in the teeth anatomy for achieving a maximum clinical success.In the article presents clinical example that demonstrate the complexity of endodontic retreatment of the maxillary left premolar
As modern dentistry continually strives for excellence, we frequently face the challenge of dealing with complications from older endodontic treatments, which often present unexpected difficulties. Calcifications, perforations, and stubborn obturation […]
A retreatment can represent an issue for every practitioner. It is always unpredictable due to many unforeseen elements like intracanal obstacles, iatrogenic errors and complicated anatomies. Recently the Retreaty Kit […]
A simple step by step technique of separated instrument removal, gaining patency and perforation repair.
The goal of an endodontic treatment is to disinfect the root canal system. This will facilitate the resolution of inflammation and the alleviation of symptoms. Failure to achieve this goal […]
In this article we are going to share how to manage an upper first molar in a predictable way for a long-term successful re-treatment.
Teeth with previous apical resection and persistent apical periodontitis are usually re-treated surgically or with a combination of non-surgical and surgical re-treatment. Alternatively, nonsurgical orthograde treatment of failed apicoectomy can […]