“Simplexity” is a possible relation between complexity and simplicity. The ultimate sophistication in Endodontics using a Simplified Multiple File Technique
“Simplexity” is a possible relation between complexity and simplicity. The ultimate sophistication in Endodontics using a Simplified Multiple File Technique
The target of an endodontic treatment, is to prevent and intercept pulpal / periradicular pathosis, to conserve a tooth affected by pathosis and to prevent recontamination after the treatment. After […]
Success of endodontic treatment depends upon thorough mechanical and chemical disinfection of the entire root canal system. When the endodontic treatment is of poor quality, apical periodontitis might occur. Numerous studies […]
One of the controversial topics about endodontics and restorative dentistry is the interaction between endodontic sealers and adhesion. Regarding fiber post cementation, the cleaning of the endodontic space plays a […]
The success of root canal therapy depends on managing all the existing canals by having the knowledge of the root anatomy, then cleaning, shaping and pack the endodontic space. Variations […]
Endodontic anatomy is unpredictable, that’s why Preoperative radiographic analysis is very important step in managing endodontic challenges. Some important data could be collected through good reading to preoperative radiograph like […]
Root resorption is a particular physiologic or a pathologic pulpal disease associated with loss of dentin, cementum, and/or bone. This resorption may occur following different types of injuries, including chemical, […]
The goals of an endodontic treatment are to prevent and intercept the process of pulpal/ peri radicular pathosis and to also prevent its reinfection after the treatment. For achieving this, […]
The Root canal treatments is a way full of challenges, that may be the ANATOMY and also it may be The Dealing with the “PROCEDURAL ERRORS” in this article i […]
Is it possible to talk about a conservative approach during shaping? It has been suggested by Clarck and Khademi in 2010 that the prognosis of the tooth after root canal […]
Nice and smooth shaping made with our selection of FANTA files. The restoration was done with a 3D printed overlay.
Various regenerative endodontic treatment (RET) protocols have been suggested with differences mainly in the disinfection technique used, intracanal medicaments, scaffold systems, and coronal filling materials. In order to reduce such […]