This is the story of retreatment and management of tooth number 21 where a screw post was placed in the canal without performing root canal treatment. Over a decade, the […]
This is the story of retreatment and management of tooth number 21 where a screw post was placed in the canal without performing root canal treatment. Over a decade, the […]
The piezoelectric ultrasonics have the potential to become routinely incorporated into almost every component of endodontic treatment, re-treatment, and apical microsurgery.
It is already indispensable as a precise tool with which the most challenging clinical situations, such as finding hidden root canals and
removing root canal obstructions, can be done with relative ease, predictability, and conservancy.
In this article, I will explain some of the uses of ultrasonics in conventional nonsurgical endodontics.
Radix Entomolaris (RE) is a major anatomical anomaly in the mandibular first molar represented by a third root that is located disto-lingually. The prevalence of RE is different in different […]
The goals of an endodontic treatment are to prevent and intercept the process of pulpal/ peri radicular pathosis and to also prevent its reinfection after the treatment. For achieving this, […]