The recovery of severely compromised teeth is a challenge for clinicians. Every day, we face this issue, and it is crucial to choose the correct technique and, above all, the […]
The recovery of severely compromised teeth is a challenge for clinicians. Every day, we face this issue, and it is crucial to choose the correct technique and, above all, the […]
Unusual anatomy of a maxillary first molar with two palatal canals
MTA is a bioactive cement that has gained immense popularity in endodontic treatments. It is composed of tricalcium silicate, dicalcium silicate, and bismuth oxide. MTA possesses unique characteristics that make […]
Disassembling in endodontics refers to the process of carefully removing any obstructions, restorations, or prior materials within a root canal to allow for effective retreatment. "Retreaty Files" represent a new […]
Endodontic mishaps can interfere with the healing process of the body and can result in failure of the root canal treatment if not taken care of. Perforation, if present should […]
The removal of separated files is favourable when the file is visible, located in a relatively straight canal and there is a significant portion of the file protruding in the pulp chamber above the canal orifice.
Gentle teasing with Stieglitz Forceps usually represents the best approach in this situations similarly to silver points’ removal.
Unfortunately in the presented case the use of grasping action and pull was not sufficient due to engagement of the file past the apical foramen.
A tailored trial and error approach is required for each individual case.
For me, there is nothing better than being able to manage endo and resto of a tooth in a single visit
Periodontium and pulpal spaces represent the two primary modes of dental infection from oral bacteria.
At the clinical level, compound dentoalveolar infections involving both tissues are common and present challenges for diagnosis and treatment. The complex lesions presenting the characteristics of both endodontic and periodontic infections are referred to as endo-periodontal lesions (EPLs).
In this article i am presenting a case with a separated Instrument and missed anatomy. The patient had symptoms while biting
The restoration of endodontically treated teeth must be planned before initiating root canal treatment. Because Microbial contamination of the root canal system and peri-apical tissues is the most common reason […]
The primary goal of successful endodontic therapy is to perform a proper cleaning and shaping of the root canal system. In clinical practice, this cleaning and shaping, performed with the […]
The piezoelectric ultrasonics have the potential to become routinely incorporated into almost every component of endodontic treatment, re-treatment, and apical microsurgery.
It is already indispensable as a precise tool with which the most challenging clinical situations, such as finding hidden root canals and
removing root canal obstructions, can be done with relative ease, predictability, and conservancy.
In this article, I will explain some of the uses of ultrasonics in conventional nonsurgical endodontics.