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The main goal of root canal treatment is to eliminate the infection in the complex root canal system for the long-term preservation of a functional tooth. Proper debridement of the root canal system, especially in the apical portion, is essential for successful root canal treatment. The complexity of the canal anatomy in the apical region […]
MTA is a bioactive cement that has gained immense popularity in endodontic treatments. It is composed of tricalcium silicate, dicalcium silicate, and bismuth oxide. MTA possesses unique characteristics that make it an ideal material for various dental procedures. These properties include exceptional sealing ability, biocompatibility, good marginal adaptation, as well as its ability to promote […]
External cervical resorption (ECR) is initiated on the external aspect of the root, usually apical to the epithelial attachment. It is often aggressive in nature, resulting in significant loss of tooth structure. The purpose of this case report is to present a multidisciplinary management of ECR in a patient. The challenge is to identify the […]
When the endodontic lesion involves the apex of an implant in addition to the one of the tooth, a retrograde peri-impantitis can be established. Retrograde peri-implantitis (RPI) is a primary microbial inflammatory condition that affects only the apical portion of an osseointegrated implant, which retains normal bone-to-implant contact in its coronal portion. Currently, no uniformly […]
Cleaning and shaping root canals without sealing is not enough so Warm Vertical Compaction technique is the most useful technique to seal the root canal system
Endodontic treatment failure may occur due to numerous reasons, such as missed canal anatomy and insufficient disinfection, resulting in periapical infection. The use of cone beam computed tomography is invaluable in the diagnosis of periapical pathosis and neglected canals during initial endodontic treatment. Thermafil is an obturation material that comprises of alpha phase Gutta Percha […]
A 30 years old female patient been referred to retreat her lower first molar patient was suffering from food packing in the area between Molar and second premolar Clinical examination showed that there was very bad amlgam Restoration with missing walls Radiography examination show that the tooth was fully calcified . So we start to treat this tooth Since people are living longer and […]
It is believed that Apical Periodontitis develop in teeth where the pulp is necrotic. However, some studies show that remnants of vital pulp tissues might still be in the canal even in teeth with signs of pulp necrosis. In open apex cases, those remnants of vital pulp tissues can be important in achieving desired outcomes like […]
Maxillary first premolars are commonly known by having two canals in one or two separate roots (60-65%), meanwhile Maxillary second premolars are known by having one canal in one root (38-48%). Three separate roots in Maxillary first premolar has shown very rare incidence (2.5-5%), even rarer are reported to Maxillary second premolars This article describes […]
A case report showing the extent of the negative impact resulting from not performing a Pre-operative (diagnostic) x-ray before starting to treat a case. Dental radiology is the core diagnostic modality of dentistry. Dental radiographs assist in detecting hidden painful pathology, assessing treatment options, providing intraoperative guidance, and also serve to monitor success of prior […]
An article by dr. Salvatore Sauro Overview and basic commentary Before any discussion about adhesion to crown and root dentine, it is imperative to state that there is no substantial scientific research evidence-base that can support a specific bonding approach rather than another. Said that, there are several in vitro studies showing that multi-step bonding […]
Article by: Elias Abboud, Damascus Syria The mandibular first molar seems to be the tooth that most often requires an endodontic procedure (vital pulp capping, pulpotomy, root canal therapy) therefore, its morphology has received a great deal of attention. The canals in the mesial root are the mesiobuccal and mesiolingual canals. A middle mesial canal (MMC) sometimes […]
Knowledge of both normal and abnormal anatomy of the root canal system dictates the parameters for execution of root canal therapy and can directly affect the outcome of the endodontic therapy. Missed extra roots and root canals are a major reason for failure of root canal treatment. The lower mandibular first molar normally has two […]
A case report with 10 months follow up showing the effect of good irrigation protocol on the final result of the root canal treatment. The aim of root canal treatment is to prevent and treat apical periodontitis , with the objective of eliminating microorganisms and necrotic pulp through chemo-mechanical debridement, and providing an adequate root […]
The C-shaped root canal is considered an anatomical variation and was firstly documented in endodontic literature by Cooke and Cox in 1979. The main cause of a C-shaped root is due to the failure of the Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath to fuse on the lingual or buccal root surface . The roots of molars with […]
In the last century, cast metal post represented the method of choice in the philosophy of root canal tooth reconstruction. The procedure usually involved the use of a porcelain fused to metal crown, but in the 1990s full porcelain crowns started to replace the metal base crowns and the problem of how to hide severe tooth discolourations or metal […]
This article is the second part of our review to determine if rotary files should only be used once. In our first article looking at the mechanical properties of rotary files, it was determined that: Surface changes are seen on a microscopic level after a few uses or after several sterilization cycles, but that these […]
Nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) alloy was first used for endodontic files by Walia in 1988 (1) as an alternative to stainless steel for hand files. The first Ni-Ti rotary files came to the market a few years later in the early 1990s. These new instruments revolutionized root canal therapy but also greatly increased the cost of material […]
Traumatic injuries are increasing in the last few years, particularly in young people. When the trauma causes a pulpal exposure, it’s mandatory to avoid pulpal necrosis, particularly in teeth that have an open apex. The pulp capping procedures are quite simple and easy to accomplish but a proper coronal protection by adhesive restoration should be considered […]
Introduction Treatment of young permanent teeth with pulp involvement is an endodontic and restorative challenge. When pulp vitality is lost, the formation of dentin stops, resulting in a tooth with thin dentin walls that is prone to fracture. Traditionally, apexification was performed with calcium hydroxide. It was a lengthy procedure requiring 5-20 months (1) and […]
The restoration of endodontically treated anterior teeth presents several different mechanical and esthetic challenges. Before choosing the best treatment solution, several aspects have to be considered, such as: Patient age and esthetic demands vs. conservative treatment Functional loads, type of occlusion Remaining tooth structure influencing biomechanical resistance Presence or absence of periodontal and periapical pathology. We have […]
Having reviewed the history of ultrasound and ultrasonic tips in "Ultrasonic in Endodontics: Part 1" ( in this second part will be highlighted the clinical applications of these tools, that has today become fundamental in almost every phase of the endodontic therapy. In fact, if they assist the execution of a minimal invasive cavity access, […]
Like the dental extraction, serious endodontic treatment is directed toward removing all the pulp and bacteria, when present, and their related breakdown products from the root canal system. Clinical treatment steps that comprise start-to-finish endodontics generally include: 1. Anesthesia, isolation, and cutting the access preparation. 2. Identifying, negotiating, and securing any given canal to its […]
In this article the protocol of non-vital bleaching of extensively discolored anterior teeth was described with practical tips for practitioners. The more detailed protocols and more clinical cases can be found in author’s book edited by Quintessence (Warsaw, 2013, Polish language): “Endoprosthodontics: guidelines for clinical practice” Dentist should always consider teeth bleaching at the beginning […]