Calogero Bugea

I was born in Agrigento, Sicily in the 1982. After I graduated in Dentistry in the 2005 and I took the Oral Surgery post graduate certificate from University of G.d´Annunzio Chieti-Italy, During this period I was named Visiting Professor in Periodontology in the same University. Since the beginning I started focusing my daily work on Endodontic Therapy and Oral Surgery. I work in a private practice in Lecce, Puglia. I am an Active Member of the International Piezoelectic Surgery Academy (IPA), Active Member of SIE (Italian Society of Endodontics) , Certified Member of ESE ( European Society of endodontics). Author of papers about Oral Surgery and Endodontics in National and International Journals. Honorable Mention for 2016 article from American Academy of Endodontics. I love my job, but I also like enjoying my life; with my fantastic wife Vittoria and my children Walter and Laura

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