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Calcified canals are always a challenge for the clinician because they can be difficult to find and even more difficult to negotiate and shape. A new sequence of files has been introduced in the market with the goal of simplifying the treatment of narrow, calcified and curved canals. This sequence is called Harmony, by FANTA […]
Healing of big periapical lesion is a real challenge. But with the use of contemporary devices, techniques, tools and materials, have increased the outcomes of such situations
Large apices and root canal perforations are always challenging to seal with traditional root filling materials, for many reasons like shrinkage, toxicity, inflammatory response, and sealing ability of those materials. Since it was first introduced (Torabinejad et al. 1995), MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate) been widely used in many clinical applications in Endodontics. In this article, […]
Endodontic treatment is considered one of the most complicated dental treatments. Although we have a general idea about the number of major canals and outline of the roots, but we are dealing with a complex three dimensional system which sometimes happen to be torturous, so we may face difficulties. However, root canal re-treatment would add more difficulties, as more surprises may exist from previous treatment. For that reason, we should gather as mush as possible of information before prompting the treatment, including a comprehensive history taking, thorough clinical examination, proper radiographs, and cone beam CT if needed.
Non-surgical root canal re-treatment is one of the most dental procedures that practitioners face in routine daily work. Though, it remains one of the most challenging procedures, as we are dealing with root canal complexities, different root filling materials, and most importantly, infection.
In our daily practice, we face a lot of difficulties in root canal treatment and re-treatment. Some of these difficulties may be due to the case itself, and others may happen during the procedure. Key factors to overcome such situations are identifying these difficulties and knowing how to deal with them.
Radix Entomolaris (RE) is a major anatomical anomaly in the mandibular first molar represented by a third root that is located disto-lingually. The prevalence of RE is different in different populations; ranging from 3% in African people to even more than 40% in Mongolian traits (De Moor et al. 2004). Root canal treatment of lower […]
Canal negotiation sometimes can be very difficult or challenging, especially with narrow, secondary, or calcified canals. In this case of a maxillary molar, pulp chamber and canals were extremely calcified. A 35 years old female patient been referred to restore her upper right teeth. Pt complains of discomfort when food get trapped between her upper […]
Endodontic re-treatment is a usual scenario in daily practice. Though, it can be challenging due to many related factors. Therefore, it requires good assessment of the case through systematic approaches in terms of diagnosis, treatment plan, and the execution of the procedure. A 40 years old male patient presented complaining of discomfort and food impaction […]
Check this case to see how it is possible to bypass separated instruments using FANTA Glider ST in reciprocating motion.
Pulp inflammation or exposure may occur as a result of many reasons like carries, trauma, or over-zealous preparation. However, if left untreated, this may lead to pulpits, pulp necrosis, and then apical periodontitis, which means more cost and chair-time spent. In addition, more tooth structure loss would jeopardise the survival rate and the outcomes of […]
Molar teeth exhibit more difficulty in canal preparation, due to more complexities in their root canal system. The situation becomes more complex when the roots are long, and even more difficult if they are narrow and calcified. Many iatrogenic complications may encounter if there was not a good appraisal of the case and a systematic […]
The goal of Endodontic treatment is to cure or prevent apical periodontitis (Ørstavik & Pitt Ford 2008). Endodontic treatment does not end when the root canal being filled, but when having favourable outcomes of the treatment upon reviewing (Reit 1986), which can be achieved by the infection control management through the root canal procedure (Basrani […]
Correct diagnosis is the key to all predictable endodontic treatment. Root canal treatment depends largely on IOPA (Intra-oral periapical) radiographs to assess the anatomy of the tooth and periapical structures (Forsberg 1987a, b, Cotton et al. 2009, Patel at al. 2009). A 23 years old male presented complaining of moderate dull pain in […]