Fig. 1

Pre op X-RAY

Fig. 2

First pulp chamber opening made by a colleague who sends me the case because he couldn't find the channels

In the video, an upper molar pulp chamber was initially opened by a colleague, but the procedure was not performed correctly. Due to the presence of calcifications, the canal orifices were not reached. The blockage, caused by the calcified tissue, made it difficult to navigate and access the canals properly. Using advanced tools, including an operating microscope and ultrasonic instruments, the calcification was carefully removed, allowing full access to the root canals, which were then prepared for treatment.

It continues by also removing an intracanal calcification of the palatal canal.

Then shaping, cleaning and obturation with guttapercha vertical warm condensation.

Fig. 3

Post op x-ray

Fig. 4

Inverse B/N X-ray show better the anatomy

Fig. 5

RX after coronal obturation.

The tooth is now awaiting treatment to be covered with an inlay.

Fig. 6

DR. Francinelli Jacopo

- Degree with honors in Brescia in 2018

- Numerous private courses in the field of endodontics

- 2020 2nd level post-graduate Master in Clinical and Microsurgical Endodontics at the University of Brescia with full marks and honors

- from 2019 he is clinical tutor in the 3rd year of Dentistry alongside Prof. Salgarello

- from 2021 he is tutor for the aforementioned university master

- He collaborates with the Spedali Civili of Brescia as a freelancer

- He has published articles in national and international journals

- Contract professor for the University of Brescia

- Member of the Italian Academy of Microscopic Dentistry

- Collaborate with colleagues in some private courses focused on endodontics

- He carries out his freelance activity in the province of Brescia dedicating himself mainly to micro-endodontics


Pulp calcifications often lead to treatment errors, especially by inexperienced practitioners, as seen in this case. These obstructions can prevent access to the root canals and complicate therapy. Proper knowledge and use of advanced tools are essential for overcoming these challenges and ensuring successful endodontic treatment.


Pietrzycka K, Pawlicka H. Clinical aspects of pulp stones: A case report series. Dent Med Probl. 2020 Apr-Jun;57(2):213-220. doi: 10.17219/dmp/117944. PMID: 32603035.

Chen G, Huang LG, Yeh PC. Detecting calcified pulp stones in patients with periodontal diseases using digital panoramic and periapical radiographies. J Dent Sci. 2022 Apr;17(2):965-972. doi: 10.1016/j.jds.2021.12.010. Epub 2022 Jan 11. PMID: 35756760; PMCID: PMC9201651.