Perfect EndoRe Treaty - by Perfect Endo and Style Italiano Endodontics
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Style Italiano Endodontics
Nowadays retreatment therapies are increasing compare to primary treatment 
That's why we decided to create a specific kit to perform endodontic disassembling in a minimal invasive way following Styleitaliano Endodontics philosophy.
Perfect Endo Tools
First, we have to empty the root canal system in a crown-down approach and when the disassembling has been completed we will shape the canals respecting the anatomy with conservative taper shaping files.
5 instruments and 3 different alloys, BULL Y (designed to remove the old obturation materials SKINNY designed to create the glide path to the terminus) SHAPY 1-2-3 (to finalise the preparation)

A new team of super heros

Re Treaty - by Perfect Endo and Style Italiano Endodontics

Find out more about the kit of tools

Has been specifically designed to remove the coronal Gutta-Percha obturation material during a non-surgical endodontic retreatment.
The gold treatment of the alloy, the tip design, and the shorter length of the file provide to the instrument the right features for removing in a short time the Gutta-Percha without any solvent.
BullyBully tool by Perfect Endo
Thin, but powerful for debris removal, silver color, used for removing Gutta-Percha in the middle apical third of the root canal system preserving the coronal region of the canal and creating a reproducible pathway close to the apical terminus.
It's the first real shaper after that the patency has been reached. Gold alloy, flexible but with a great cutting efficacy, designed to follow the natural anatomy of the canal.
Probably the most trendy deep shape that could be achieved in a retreatment. The rotary file has a gold alloy for a good flexibility combined to an unwind-
'ing resistance.
Blu alloy for higher flexibility in case of apical shape enlargment. Maximum adaptation without alteration of the original anatomy.

Check these cases

The Re Treaty kit clinical cases

By dr. Riccardo Tonini

Retreaty Kit, for easier and predictable retreatments

Nowadays retreatment therapies are increasing if compared to primary treatment. That’s why we decided to create a specific kit to perform endodontic disassembling in a minimal invasive way, following the Style Italiano Endodontics philosophy. Five instruments, three different alloys, two rotary motions (Bull-Y) and one cross section.
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By dr. Ibrahim El Naggar

Conservative retreatment using RE TREATY

In this article we are introducing the RE-TREATY files for the retreatment of Maxillary Molar and we will show how the system combines the function of Cutting Efficiency & Flexibility to facilitate the Retreatment step in a conservative way.
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By dr. Ahmed Shwaky

Retreaty... The Retreatment Avengers

In this article, I will describe various aspects of the New Retreaty instruments designed by styleitaliano endodontics team and manufactured by Perfect Endo.
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By dr. Federico Foschi

A Perfect Re-RCT

The use of the Bull-Y Re-Treaty file from Perfect Endo allows “dry” desobturation without using solvents, this approach is very efficient and ideal in cases where the obturation present in the healthy roots should not be disrupted.
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By dr. Riccardo Tonini

ReTreaty kit for conservative retreatments

The primary goal of an endodontic treatment is to access, shape and clean the intricate anatomy in a way that allows efficient 3 D filling of the root canal system, while leaving the tooth with the sufficient sound tissue for granting perfect coronal seal and a long term function.
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By dr. Ibrahim El Naggar

Retreatments and ReTreaty

The field of endodontic retreatment is wide and the cases are variable according to the mishaps included, in this case we have 2 separated instruments one apical and another coronal as well a ledge and short GP, so let’s see how RE TREATY will perform in this case.
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By dr. Francesca Cerutti

ReTreaty: the unboxing

Let's get a closer look to the ReTreaty kit by Perfect Endo with Francesca Cerutti
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By dr. Riccardo Tonini

Retratment of an upper first molar made with the Retreaty kit by Perfect Endo

A retreatment can represent an issue for every practitioner. It is always unpredictable due to many unforeseen elements like intracanal obstacles, iatrogenic errors and complicated anatomies. Recently the Retreaty Kit has been launched: it consists in a sequence of files made with the idea of providing the clinician with a predictable sequence to follow since the the first steps of a retreatment, as in this upper second molar.
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By dr. Alexandru Gliga

Root Canal Retreatment of LR6 using the Retreaty system from Perfect: A case report

Single file instrumentation has to some extent ease the root canal preparation in both primary root canal treatments and retreatments. However, the variety of clinical situations does not agree with the optimistic approach of having one instrument to fit all circumstances. All clinicians should carefully conduct their preoperative assessment as well as their constant intraoperative analyses since the ideal approach must be particularly tailored for every tooth treated.
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By dr. Fabio Gorni

Retreatment of a second upper premolar

The patient came to my office with a big swelling and acute pain , after the pre-op X-ray the situation was clear , apical periodontitis plus a lateral lesion . The previous endodontic treatment is short and we have a perforation on middle one third of the root located on the distal aspect of the root , the original anatomy is really tricky due to the double curvature reason of the failure .
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By dr. Ibrahim El Naggar


The field of endodontic retreatment is wide and the cases are variable according to the mishaps included. This article will deal with a short filling which was condensed despite having an apical blockage.
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By dr. Ahmed Shwaky

RETREATY: A Fore Player in Non-Surgical Retreatments

The primary objective in endodontics, whether primary treatment or retreatments, is the treatment of apical periodontitis as well as prevention of its recurrence. When we address retreatments, incomplete disinfection of the root canal system is considered as one of the most common causes of post treatment failures.
This article will discuss non-surgical retreatment of a mandibular second molar, with a C-Shaped morphology, presented with symptomatic apical periodontitis. The RETREATY kit was among the fore players that were used for successful management of the root canal system, disassembly of the existing root canal filling and reshaping of the root canals.
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By dr. Abdullah AboHalima


Abiding by the Style Italiano Endodontics philosophy, Retreaty kit allows having a conservative approach in retreatment cases, thanks to 3 different alloys that help managing the cases in feasible, teachable & repeatable way.
There are multiple reasons a primary root canal therapy may be unsuccessful. Before taking on a retreatment case, the clinician must determine if there is an improvement to be made and, thus, a favorable prognosis to be obtained.
Among the reasons initial therapy may have failed include insufficient debridement of tissues, incomplete obturation, missed anatomy, coronal leakage, and/or vertical root fracture.
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By dr. Viresh Chopra‎

Revive and Shine: Retreaty – The Perfect Partner for Flawless Endodontic Retreatment

The success of endodontic treatment hinges on a comprehensive understanding of the root canal system of each tooth, including the potential presence of extra canals. Essential to the success of endodontic therapy are thorough cleaning, shaping, and obturation of the entire root canal system. Therefore, in-depth knowledge of root canal morphology and anticipation of possible variations are crucial to minimizing the risk of endodontic failure.
For successful outcomes, several key parameters must be adhered to: accurate diagnosis, effective isolation of the operating field, complete chemo-mechanical preparation of the intricate endodontic system, and three-dimensional obturation of the root canals, followed by proper post-endodontic restoration.
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By dr. Fabio Gorni


Disassembling in endodontics refers to the process of carefully removing any obstructions, restorations, or prior materials within a root canal to allow for effective retreatment.
"Retreaty Files" represent a new generation of files designed to enhance the effectiveness of endodontic treatment, especially in canal retreatment procedures.
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By dr. Ibrahim El Naggar

One file one shot and manualless MB2

In this article we are introducing the RE-TREATY Files for the retrratment of Maxillary 2nd Molar and how the system combines the function of Cutting Efficiency & Flexibility to facilitate the Retreatment step in a conservative way as well the power in treating the MB2 such powerful way
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By dr. Ahmed Shwaky

RETREATY: A Dynamic Sequence For Different Cases

This article will demonstrate how can the clinician customize the sequence of Retreaty instruments according to the anatomy in retreatment cases of different difficulty levels.
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