Case 1:

Endodontic treatment of a decayed upper right molar. Due to the curvature of the root canals, the F-One Essential Kit was used short to the working  length to do some preflaring, then the sequence 13.03, 20.04 and 25.06 was used to shape the root canal system. In the MB2 the last instrument brought to the WL was 20.04. Then, WVC was executed.


Case 2:

An upper lateral incisor with endo-perio lesion was retreated. After removing the plastic carrier with a loop, the root canal was emptied and then shaped easily up to 35.04. The tooth was then filled with bioceramic sealer and modified WVC of gutta percha.


The F-One Essential Kit is safe and effective both in initial treatments and retreatments.


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