Fig. 1

A 16 years male patient was referred to my clinic, with chief complaint of pain in lower right region.

Clinical examination revealed mandibular right 1st molar have deep carious lesion.

The tooth was tender on percussion.

The radiographic examination revealed the radiolucency involving the mesial root apex. And observed sever curvature in both roots .

A diagnosis of symptomatic Apical periodontitis.

Root canal treatment was planned .

Fig. 2

I had treated the same patient 3 years before on the opposite side of the mandible

Fig. 3

Here is the treatment I did three years before


Fig. 4

After giving the anesthesia, cleaning the tooth.

Fig. 5

Isolation the tooth with a rubber dam

Fig. 6

Working length measurement

Fig. 7

Dealing with curved canals is a manual game .

Fig. 8

After cleaning and shaping, the tooth is ready for obturation.

Fig. 9

Obturation by modified hot technique with BC sealer.

Fig. 10

Post operative X-ray

Fig. 11

About the author:

Dr Mohammed Khaleel

B.D.S Hawler medical university /college of dentistry 2011

Key opinion leader for Denco


Management of curved canals can be time consuming, challenging and frustrating.

A sound knowledge about internal anatomy of the tooth, through assessment of preoperative radiographs is crucial prerequisite in managing curved canals.

It is essential first negotiate the canals by hand files and then using rotary files tapered four with copious irrigation in between each file.


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