Fig. 1

This was the Pre-Op image from the referral, clearly showing 2 separated Instruments & Stripping on the outer wall during trial for bypassing the fragments 

Fig. 2

CBCT was requested an in the SAGITTAL section it showed that the instruments are below the Curve .

Coronal Cut for checking the thickness of the cortical Bone.

Axial cut at the level of planned resection 

Fig. 3

First of all mesials were filled with SQUIRTING technique before the Surgery.

Fig. 4

Full thickness sulcular flap was performed

Fig. 5

Measurement using Periodontal Probe for the site of osteotomy 

Fig. 6

Osteotomy site done Precisely based on CBCT

Fig. 7

Root End Resection and removal using the Curette

Fig. 8

Anatomy Identification Before the Retro Prep using Methylene Blue 

Fig. 9

Retro Prep Using the Ultrasonics

Fig. 10

File Removed

Fig. 11

Retro filling using Bioceramic Putty

Fig. 12

Post Op X Ray 


The Decision making during the therapy to interfere with SURGICAL on NON-Surgical approach is so important in term of success also the using of the right tools including the instrument and the Microscope is so important for this kind of treatment.


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