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Before Microbrush Adhesion is a technique-sensitive procedure. Depending upon the type of adhesive used, a number of variables are known as critical for the final result. This variables can be […]
Third molars, or, more popularly, wisdom teeth usually erupt in most patients after the age of 17. Abnormal eruption patterns make them more susceptible to dental decay, as well as […]
The philosophy of StyleItaliano Endodontics has extensively been treated in a lot of articles previously published on this web site, by Pierre Machtou, Massimo Giovarruscio, Fabio Gorni and others. Feasible, […]
The occurrence of pain and/or swelling after an endodontic treatment is not uncommon in endodontic practice, and can be a frustrating event for dentists and a disappointing surprise for patients. […]
After the last articles, by Fabio Gorni, Massimo Giovarruscio and Enrico Cassai, it is important to make a point of preflaring, scouting and glide-path preparation, the first phases of canal […]
The aim of root canal therapy is either the treatment or the prevention of periapical periodontitis (or better, periradicular, taking into account lateral lesions). Kakehashi and coworkers, in 1965, were […]