Federico Foschi

Silver Member

Professor Federico Foschi has been appointed to the position of Professor of Endodontology in UCL Eastman Dental Institute. He is the head of the Endodontology unit leading its postgraduate training courses, including the MSc and the MClinDent in Endodontology. Fede graduated with honours from the Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna in 2002. He gained PhD in Endodontic Microbiology at the Forsyth Institute, Harvard Dental Institute, leading to the IADR Pulp Biology award. He has held clinical academic positions in King's College London and the University of Plymouth and is the current Training Program Director for Endodontics on behalf of Health Education England. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.  He has published many peer-reviewed papers as well as a book; lectures internationally as silver member of Style Italiano Endodontics.  Fede is on the GDC specialists lists Endodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry

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