Caries driven acces for a primary root canal treatment of UL6 with irreversible pulpitis.

The genius revolution file 13.03 was used for glide path, followed by 20.04 and 25.06 for a beautiful final shaping. Don't miss any opportunity to try them!!!


Corsentino G, Pedulla E, Castelli L, Liguori M, Spicciarelli V, Martignoni M, et al. Influence of Access Cavity Preparation and Remaining Tooth Substance on Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated Teeth. J Endod. 2018;44(9):1416-21.

Saygili G, Uysal B, Omar B, Ertas ET, Ertas H. Evaluation of relationship between endodontic access cavity types and secondary mesiobuccal canal detection. BMC Oral Health. 2018;18(1):121.