BlueShaper PRO: Two heat treatments in a single instrument, DUAL WIRE technology.
José Aranguren
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We will describe and analyze the new BlueShaper PRO system for rotary surgical preparation of root canals with the new Dual Wire technology.
It includes a basic set of 4 files: Z1, Z2, Z3, and Z4, as well as the Blue Shaper PRO system with a D0 of 0.14mm, 0.17mm, 0.19mm, and 0.25mm respectively, with variable taper ranging from 2 to 10%.
The only difference with the classic Blue Shaper system is that Blue Shaper PRO features a double heat treatment (Dual Wire) in all its instruments.
This Dual Wire technology gives all instruments greater cutting capacity (20% more cutting), greater torsional resistance (28% more resistance), and greater penetrability in the canal (2% more penetration). At the same time, it maintains the same flexibility and resistance to cyclic fatigue as conventional Blue Shaper.
All of them have 3mm of Gold heat treatment (Dual Wire) at the apex in their PRO presentation, with all the advantages explained above.
For wider root canals, the Z5, Z6, and Z7 files are also included in their PRO version with 3mm of Gold heat treatment.
The company markets gutta-percha cones BlueShaper PRO (ZARC, Gijon, Spain) that correspond to files Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6, and Z7. This Blue Shaper PRO system is the first and only system with dual heat treatment in a single instrument.
This technology is called Dual Wire and is patented by ZARC4ENDO (ZARC, Gijon, Spain).
Keywords: BlueShaper, rotary instrumentation, multi-alloy system, Dual Wire, heat treatment.

Fig. 1
This Dual Wire technology gives all instruments greater cutting capacity (20% more cutting), greater torsional resistance (28% more resistance), and greater penetrability in the canal (2% more penetration). At the same time, it maintains the same flexibility and resistance to cyclic fatigue as conventional Blue Shaper.

Fig. 2
Files Z1, Z2, Z3 y Z4. Double-alloy System Blue- Shaper PRO.

Fig. 3
3 mm at the tip of more Austenitic alloy provides the file better penetration inside the canal maintaining the same flexibility.

Fig. 4
Scanning electron microscopy: convex triangular cross-section of file Z1.

Fig. 5
Preoperative X-ray of a molar with moderate curvatures. B: Post-operative X-ray.

Fig. 6
Root canal treatment in a taurodontic anatomy.
Left: Preoperative x-ray.
Right: Postoperative x-ray.

Fig. 7
A: Preoperative X-ray of an upper first molar with a severe curvature at the distobuccal root.
B: Postoperative x-ray.
The BlueShaper Pro multi-alloy file system, with Dual Wire technology, is a system that maintains the same flexibility and adaptation to the canal as the classic Blue Shaper, significantly improving cutting capacity (20%), torsional resistance (28%), and penetration into the canal. Making it a much more effective and versatile system.
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