Fig. 1

Preoperative radiograph

Tooth no. 47 was diagnosed as Necrotic tooth with choronic periodical access.
From Preoperative radiograph it was evident presence of narrowness in the coronal portion of medial canals that require special attention and care,

Fig. 2

Master cone fit and working length radiograph
A conservative preparation is noticeable with minting root canal curvature.

Fig. 3

Post operative radiograph with showing obturation using single cones with BC sealer in medial canals and passive hydraulic multiple cones obturation with BC sealer

Fig. 4

Radiographic workflow

Fig. 5

Size and sequence of Harmony file system

Fig. 6

At coronal 1/3 of Fanta Harmony in comparison to other files with points will enlarge the space of design, modified two cutting triangular cross-sectioned debris transportation

Fig. 7

Apical 2/3 of Fanta Harmony possesses one active cutting point and one passive cutting point, that the file will provide moderate cutting ability

Fig. 8

Recommended speed and torque setting on iRoot pro

Speed: 350 RPM

Torque: 2.4 NCM

Management of the case


Harmony and iRoot Pro offer a smart, efficient approach to managing narrow and calcified canals.
With hybridization in a single file and an adaptable endomotor, they simplify treatment while preserving dentin.


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