Fig. 1

This Dual Wire technology gives all instruments greater cutting capacity (20% more cutting), greater torsional resistance (28% more resistance), and greater penetrability in the canal (2% more penetration). At the same time, it maintains the same flexibility and resistance to cyclic fatigue as conventional Blue Shaper.

Fig. 2

Files Z1, Z2, Z3 y Z4. Double-alloy System Blue- Shaper PRO.

Fig. 3

3 mm at the tip of more Austenitic alloy provides the file better penetration inside the canal maintaining the same flexibility.

Fig. 4

Scanning electron microscopy: convex triangular cross-section of file Z1.

Fig. 5

Preoperative X-ray of a molar with moderate curvatures. B: Post-operative X-ray. 

Fig. 6

Root canal treatment in a taurodontic anatomy. 

Left: Preoperative x-ray. 

Right: Postoperative x-ray. 

Fig. 7

 A: Preoperative X-ray of an upper first molar with a severe curvature at the distobuccal root. 

B: Postoperative x-ray.


The BlueShaper Pro multi-alloy file system, with Dual Wire technology, is a system that maintains the same flexibility and adaptation to the canal as the classic Blue Shaper, significantly improving cutting capacity (20%), torsional resistance (28%), and penetration into the canal. Making it a much more effective and versatile system.




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