Fig. 1

38-year female patient came to my clinic referred from a colleague to manage such a calcified canals as he saw at preop xray 

Preop xray : Radio-opaque material covering the canals , very tight or nearly calcified canals 

On clinical diagnosis : open tooth with a pulp champer full of pulpotec material 

Fig. 2

CBCT has a great role in assessment and planning for management of canal calcification and blockage

On CBCT : we found very tight  3 canals , with lateral foramena related to distal canal 

 - possible of floor perforation sealed with the same pulpotec material 

- Type II mesial canals

Removal of pulpotec from pulp champer using long shank round bur in a low speed , then removal of pulpotec from canals using ultrasonic tip to avoid any mishaps 

Fig. 3

After removal of Pulpotec , there was a perforation in the floor of pulp champer  

Fig. 4

calcified Canals entrance “ Mesials & Distal “ 

Fig. 5

The use of magnification and ultrasonic is considered a safe technique to locate calcified canal entrances , so we started with ED15D US Tip to locate the mesials and finally locating the tow mesials and catching them using D-Finder files from Mani 8,10,12,15 until the full wl 

Fig. 6

With the same US tip we located & catched the d canal and prepared it manually before rotary files usage 

25/4 mechanical Preparation for mesials & 30/4 for single distal canal 

Fig. 7

Confirmation of Cone fit at the exact working length 

Fig. 8

Down packing then backfilling using eighteeth system with BIO C Sealer from angelus 

Fig. 9

Floor perforation was temporarily sealed with Intracanal Medication for 2 weeks to elevate the PH Level and act as antibacterial before permanently sealed with MTA 

Then final restoration using bulkfill Composite   

Fig. 10

Prosthetic part : Zircon Crown 

Fig. 11

Preoperative xray , and Scouting Trials Xrays  

Fig. 12

Cone Fit , Obturation , Final Restoration and Finally Crown delivery Xray 

Fig. 13

Case no. 2 

Tooth no. 46 with pulpotec material 

Preop xray show calcified mesials and very tight distal canal 

Many trials to locate and scout the mesials with the help of ultrasonic tips ‘ ED15D ‘ & Non-Active STST.  D Finder Files 

Broken Side vented needle in D Canal retrieved later 

Preparation till 25/4 

Obturation with wvc using eighteeth system 

Fig. 14

Case No. 3

Another case of pulpotec retreatment starting from diagnosis , scouting , preparation , cone fit and finally obturation till the full working length 

Step by step retreatment of pulpotec filling 

<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in <b>/var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code</b> on line <b>19</b><br />
Fig. 15


- Preoperative radiograph is very important before starting endodontic treatment

- Case difficulty assessment will lead to successful treatment through good planning and selection of the approach technique and the right tools.

- The use of magnification and ultrasonic is considered a safe technique to locate calcified canal entrances.

- Implementation of CBCT, Magnification and ultrasonics is recommended in complex cases

- D Finder files from Mani is recommended for negotiation of narrow and tight canals.


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