Fig. 1

Case description:

The 38 years old patient was referred to our office by her general dental practitioner for endodontic treatment. She complained about acute unprovoked pain in the lower right quadrant. 

The access cavity was driven by removing the coronal temporary filling material and the infected dentine.


Fig. 2

The MG3 Blue file system from Perfect was chosen for managing this case.

Fig. 3

The coronal temporary filling material was removed using a  G1 ultrasonic tip

Fig. 4

Puss drainage was detected when removing the pulp chamber roof

Endo motor setting

Fig. 5

File sequence for shaping the mesial canals

Fig. 6

Clinical image after shaping the mesial canals

Fig. 7

Full file sequence was used for shaping the distal canal

Fig. 8

Clinical image after shaping

Fig. 9

Vertical warm condensation technique was performed to obturate the mesial canals.

Fig. 10

Vertical warm condensation technique was performed to obturate the distal canal.

Fig. 11

Post operative x-ray


MG3 blue is a versatile and conservative way to shape the root canal system