Ajay Bajaj

Gold Member

He is Professor and Endodontic Course Director at Unversitat Jaume I, Spain.

He is Gold Member od the most prestigious Style Italiano Endodontics group. 

He is a practising Endodontist from Mumbai, India. He has completed BDS in 1999 and Masters in conservative dentistry and endodontics in 2002. He has been awarded “Best Postgraduate Student National award” during his Post Graduation days.

He has been lecturing in Endodontics since 2001. He has done around 460 lectures and courses so far for general dentists and endodontists across the globe. He has done

65 live Endo procedures including single sitting Root canal treatment, Retreatment and Separated Instrument Removal.

Inventor of various dental equipments like UVC tower, Star Pen anesthesia device and R &D consultant to various dental Companies

He is Jury to various Dental Awards since 10 years.

He has written original articles in various journals. He has done more than

More 30,000 root canals in last 23 years. 

He has lectured in more than 15 countries on various topics in Endodontics

Had organized more than 20 conferences across India.

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