Fig. 1

Pre operative X-ray

A clinical approach has been showed, step by step from the end of vertical warm compaction till the end of the glass fibre post restoration. The final shaped tooth is useful for the referral dentist to perform a quick temporary crown.

A clean and adequately prepared dentine surface appears to be more important for the success of the post space restoration than the choice of post-material

We recommend to use adhesive  techniques  for  post  placement  that  permit  the  preservation  of  the  maximum amount  of  dentine.

Is essential an appropriate  bonding  protocol,  including  the  use  of appropriate dual cement applications tips for predictable post placement

We recommend to choose a proper glass fibre post that fits passively into the canal. We do not want to enlarge the canal to fit the post 

The use of dual-curing systems is recommended to ensure a proper polymerization of the materials

Is essential an appropriate  bonding protocol, including  the use of appropriate dual cement applications tips for predictable post placement

Adhesive luting posts inside the root  canal  should  form  a so called “MONOBLOCK”  (Tay  &  Pashley  2007)  

Fig. 2

Post operative X-ray


The conservation of tissue and adhesion being the most relevant elements for improved long-term success. However, adhesion into the root remains a challenge because of the perfect cleaning of the dentinal surface. In fact a clean and adequately prepared dentine surface appears to be more important for the success of the restoration than the choice of post-material Use adhesive procedures at both radicular and coronal levels to strengthen remaining tooth structure and optimize restoration stability and retention. 
Non-vital teeth restored with composite resin or with fibre posts resisted fatigue tests and currently represent the best treatment option. 


Bhuva B, Giovarruscio M, Rahim N, Bitter K, Mannocci F. The restoration of root filled teeth: a review of the clinical literature. Int Endod J. 2021 Apr;54(4):509-535. doi: 10.1111/iej.13438. Epub 2021 Jan 5. PMID: 33128279.