How to remove a broken file with minimum dentin loss
BTR Pen Course
26th and 27th of January 2022
Hands on Course
When the clinician faces intracanal separated instrument, the most important concern is removal of this obstruction in order to be able to disinfect, shape and seal the root canal system. However, this procedure should be carried out conservatively without losing much dentin from the root, otherwise the tooth survival would be compromised. This workshop is designed to share the speakers’ perspective on management of broken instruments using a predictable and minimally invasive approach.
There are only 16 seats available for this course.
Learning goals
Diagnosis and decision making in retreatments with broken files.
Available technologies and 3d imaging to help in broken files management.
Methods of preventing file fractures during instrumentation.
Correct shaping strategies and files metallurgy.
When to remove, Bypass or leave?
Available methods for retrieval of broken files from root canals
Introduction to the grasping tools, with special focus on BTR PEN
Why Loop technique?
Basics of ultrasonic use during broken file removal.
The difference between BTR Pen and other loop devices.
The technique for ultrasonic preparation before using BTR pen device.
The correct setup for BTR pen before the clinical use.
The correct technique to grasp the broken file with BTR pen.
When to use BTR pen, indications and limitations.
Hands on session
Live demo by the speakers: BTR pen setup
Live demo by the speakers: technique of broken file removal with BTR pen
All Participant will be able to practice under microscopes and removing broken file with BTR pen device.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which language the speakers will talk during the course?
During the course the teachers will speak english. In order to make the course better enjoyable for the italian attendees, we will provide a simultaneous translation solution