Fig. 1

Pre operative x-ray

Fig. 2

X-ray after the orthograde retreatment of the premolar

Fig. 3

After anesthesia, a flap was made with preservation of the papilla and the cyst wall was exposed

Fig. 4

The cystic content was drained and the entire wall was subsequently detached to allow the removal of all the granulation tissue

Fig. 5

apical resection of tooth and implant 

Apical obturation with super-EBA

Fig. 6

detail of the removed implant apex

Fig. 7

The flap was repositioned and sutured with an absorbable thread by applying single detached stitches

Fig. 8

Healing of the peridontium after 7 days

Fig. 9

Immediate post operative x-ray

Fig. 10

The author: Dr Jacopo Francinelli

- Degree with honors in Brescia in 2018
- 2020 2nd level post-graduate Master in Clinical and Microsurgical Endodontics at the University of Brescia with full marks and honors
- from 2019 he is clinical tutor in the 3rd year of Dentistry alongside Prof. Salgarello
- from 2021 he is tutor for the aforementioned university master
- He collaborates with the Spedali Civili of Brescia as a freelancer
- He has published articles in national and international journals
- Contract professor for the University of Brescia
- Member of the Italian Academy of Microscopic Dentistry (AIOM) and Italian society of endodontic (SIE)
- Collaborate with colleagues in some private courses focused on endodontics
- He carries out his freelance activity in the province of Brescia dedicating himself mainly to micro-endodontics



When the endodontic lesion involves the apex of an implant in addition to the apex of the tooth, a retrograde peri-impantitis can be established.

In these cases it is necessary to treat both the tooth and the implant with apical surgery, removing all the irritating factor


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Burdurlu MÇ, Dagasan VÇ, Tunç O, Güler N. Retrograde peri-implantitis: evaluation and treatment protocols of a rare lesion. Quintessence Int. 2021;52(2):112-121. doi: 10.3290/j.qi.a45264. PMID: 33433077.