Fig. 1


Patient A., 42 yo, 3.7 Acute Apical Abscess «Hot Tooth»

Extremely tender to percussion

Fig. 2

Pre-operative X-Ray

Patient A., 42 yo, 3.7 Acute Apical Abscess «Hot Tooth»

8 y following Endodontic treatment

Diagnostic radiograph revealed the periapical radiolucent area.

Fig. 3


Well described in the literature helpful method to retrieve the long separated fragments


It is easy to make this microtube chair-side with the use of simple cannula and H-file

Fig. 4


1) remove the gutta-percha around the carrier 4-5 mm deep with the use of US file or any solvent

2) under the direct microscope-assisted  visual control place deep the microtube over the plastic carrier 

Fig. 5


3) use the H-file with the appropriate size to block the plastic carrier inside the micro-tube

4) with slight swinging motions carefully remove the whole structure out of the canal 


Placement of the microtube over the plastic carrier

Fig. 6


Retrieval of the plastic carrier

Notice the Exudate from the canal


Retrieval of the plastic carrier

Notice the Exudate from the canal

Fig. 7

Mesial System

Mesial system is inconvenient to use microtube due to the risk of the excessive intracanal dentin sacrifice establishing deep straight line-access  

Fig. 8

Endodontic Loop (Lasso Technique)

The most safe way to retrieve the carrier and secure the inracanal dentin is to use the Endodontic loop (Lasso) available on the market or hand-made with the thin wire and syringe


1) remove the gutta-percha around the carrier 3-4 mm deep with the use of US file or any solvent

2) under the direct microscope-assisted  visual control place deep and tighten the Endodontic loop over the plastic carrier


3) with slight swinging motions carefully remove the loop with plastic carrier out of the canal 

Fig. 9


Fig. 10

Plastic carriers Retrieval

4 plastic carriers retrieved with 2 different methods thus establishing «glide path» to the apex.

This procedure facilitates the following Cleaning and Shaping of the root canals

Fig. 11

MTA plugs & Thermafil carriers (Advanced Technique)

MAF: Mesial system 60.02, Distal System: 80.02 justified the use of calcium-silicate hydraulic cement as apical plugs

It is convenient to use special Endodontic file holder to facilitate the manipulations under the microscope 

Fig. 12

MTA plugs & Thermafil carriers (Advanced Technique)

MAF: Mesial system 60.02, Distal System: 80.02 justified the use of calcium-silicate hydraulic cement as apical plugs

It is convenient to use special Endodontic file holder to facilitate the manipulations under the microscope 

Fig. 13

MTA plugs & Thermafil carriers (Advanced Technique)

Incremental placemt of the MTA plugs 

Radiographic control of the initial and final increments

Fig. 14

2.5 years follow up


Complete healing of the periodical lesions

Fig. 15

About the author:

Stanislav Heranin

1999: Graduated in Dentistry from the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy - Faculty of Dentistry

1999-2001 - Postgraduate Education (UMSA)

2001-2012 - Professor Assistant - Department of Therapeutic Dentistry (UMSA)

2012-2019 - Professor Assistant - Department of Postgraduate Education of Dental Practitioners (UMSA)

2011: PhD in Dentistry (Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy)

2023 until now Associate Professor at The Department of Dentistry – School of Medicine - V.N.Karazin
              Kharkiv National University 

Private Dental Practice - Dental Centre “Machaon” (Poltava, Ukraine)

Founder of the Educational Centre EndoDiscovery

Past-President of the Ukrainian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry

Board Member of the Ukrainian Endodontic Association

Member of the Ukrainian Endodontic Society

Member of International Jury of Dental Restorative Contest ”Prisma-Championship”

Board member of the International Journal “Ukrainian Dental Journal”


Placement of the traditional MTA plug in a long curved root canals makes it quite challenging for the operator. 

Success or failure depend on the ability to access the perforation area and promote an appropriate sealing. 

Visual control of every single manipulation under the operational microscope gives the is the crucial factor in daily 

Endodontic failures occur mainly due to insufficient cleaning and further tight sealing of the root canal system. 

One of the important step in root canal pretreatment is the desobturation. In cases of Thermafil desobturation it is crucial to retrieve the plastic carrier first to establish glide path to the apex facilitating following cleaning and shaping procedures. It is convenient to use micro-tube and Endodontic loop methods to retrieve plastic carrier thus making Endodontic pretreatment safe.


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